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Gun violence close to home

Published August 07. 2019 12:29PM

Mass shootings at El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, over the weekend that left a total of 31 people dead and more than 50 wounded are sobering reminders of the violence and hatred in our society.

As of Sunday, there have been more mass shootings in our country so far this year than days — 251 vs. 216. Although there is no universal definition of what constitutes a mass shooting, a general consensus puts the number of killed or wounded at three or more.

The last time the mass shooting toll topped days of the year was in 2016, when there were 382 — the most in any year since the Gun Violence Archive started keeping track. The past two years were not far behind, with 346 in 2017 and 340 in 2018.

The mass shootings include five high-profile rampages in the past week and a half in which more than 100 people were shot. In addition to El Paso and Dayton, the others were in Gilroy, California; Brooklyn, New York; and Southhaven, Mississippi. Before the El Paso attack, the deadliest mass shooting of 2019 happened in a municipal building in Virginia Beach where a former city employee killed 12 people and injured four.

Living in small communities such as Weissport, New Philadelphia, Slatington, Walnutport and Kresgeville might give us the false sense of security that it can’t happen here, and we pray that it never does, but the truth is that it can happen anywhere. We need look no further than the area’s largest city, Allentown, to see an example of what activist Hasshan Batts, executive director of Promise Neighborhoods of the Lehigh Valley, calls a “city under siege.”

Allentown’s summer of discontent has resulted in more than 25 people being shot by gunfire since the beginning of June. The most recent happened last week when police shot and killed an armed gunman who was randomly firing his weapon into the air more than 20 times in Center City, then aimed his gun at police who had tried to take him into custody.

While the numbers in Allentown are striking, they did not result in multiple deaths such as those in El Paso and Dayton, so they did not get the same kind of national attention.

Among the Allentown incidents, 10 were wounded in one of our area’s worst mass shootings ever when some suspected gang members opened fire outside of the Déjà Vu night club. This was one of seven shootings in June in Allentown, and by far the most dramatic.

There has been just one arrest in the nightclub shootings — the driver of the getaway car. Police say three shooters — two with assault rifles — fired into a crowd leaving the club at closing time.

A woman was killed July 12 in a shooting on Church Street in Center City, Allentown, while children were playing. There has been no arrest in this case.

Several days earlier, the owner of the Maingate Night Club and one of his security guards were shot and wounded in the club’s parking lot. Both are recovering from their wounds.

It is sad to see what is happening in Allentown, because the city is in the midst of a revitalization with its downtown development, trendy restaurants and PPL Center, home of the Lehigh Valley Phantoms minor league hockey team, and venue for many big-name entertainment acts that have attracted thousands to the downtown area.

It wasn’t that many years ago when area residents would not set foot in Allentown, branding it as a dangerous place to be, especially after dark. This attitude was gradually shifting as the city spruced itself up and the crime rate dropped dramatically.

But now, all of those past fears are returning, and city officials are concerned that the gun violence that has sprung up this summer will undo much of the progress of the past decade.

Interim Mayor Ray O’Connell, members of the city council and concerned citizens group have been meeting to try to come up with a game plan to reduce the violence and to return a sense of normalcy to the city.

In one of the first meetings in mid-July, as city officials and community members were meeting, a man was shot at an apartment complex not far from the meeting site. He did not have life-threatening injuries, but it underscored the irony of the situation.

The city is in the midst of a mayoral election to see whether O’Connell, a Democrat, or Tim Ramos, the Republican nominee, will head the city for the next four years starting in January. Not surprisingly, gun violence and public safety are front and center as major issues.

By Bruce Frassinelli |

The system of education owns this problem of gun violence. Everyone goes through the education system today, as they did in the 1920's, what's changed? A trend among the more recent shooters is youth. Just out of school, or in school. Our students within the public schools, are no longer being taught how to get to an answer, they don't teach how to think, rather, they teach them what to think. Critical thinking is no longer required. Public Schools benefit, when the students do well on tests, so, they teach the answers to the test, not how to conclude toward the right answer. Without the ability to think out and reason, we can soon fall for anything. These kids are falling for anything, even socialism!
Now couple that with all of the new age progressive ways being pushed in the public schools. Take any lessons of morality away, as that's religious in nature. Now add to all that, FAKE NEWS. Add to that, the false narratives being presented from the media. Our young people are being lost, and the common thread I see? Public Education. More money won't fix it, only God can, but they kicked God out years ago. How's that working out folks?
So in the 1920s, god was still in schools? Let’s review the facts about the 20’s

The homicide rate over the decade of the 20’s averaged about 9 out of 100,000 population. In 2010’s the rate ia 4.5 out of 100,000. There is statistically half the murders now than during the glory days of prayer in schools.

Your post is more about the culture war you are waging and not about facts.
Kick against the goad all you want, your way not his. Good luck with all that.
The ACLU, American Civil Liberties Union, brought a law suit against Christianity being taught in public schools. The Supreme Court ruled that public schools can not teach religion, because it violated the Separation of Church and State. The New England Primer was phased from schools.
SCOTUS voted 8-1 that Christianity can't be taught in school and its incredible that even one justice thought it was constitutional.
Morals... morality is so horrible Joe? Things didn't turn out well at all in America. Kicking the truth of the Bible, it's rich history lessons, and the moral guidance is a big reason we are were we are. Laws, laws and more laws didn't help. Throwing more money at indoctrination... I mean education isn't the answer. It's the heart Joe, and without God, hearts have grown cold.
Christianity and morals are different things. Belief in Jesus is not the measure of morality.

Besides, the second you pledged your allegiance to trump was the second you gave up any claim to morality.
Shalom Joe,
You, and others on this comment section, appear to be very highly educated, which is evident by the way you use words, and by your lacking intellect. But that's OK.
According to dictionary definitions, ethics and morals are closely related. While morals deal with distinguishing between right and wrong, ethics are the rules of conduct recognized by a particular group, often based on socially influenced moral ideals. For Christians, ethics and morals are based on God's character and law, yet are distinct terms with different actions and biblical examples pertaining to each. But when folks like you, kick the Bible to the side, you are then free to... well... make things up.
Morality is most easily defined as principles (an internal compass) which guide differentiation between right and wrong.
Ethics runs deeper Joe. Ethics is formed and defined through a social system or societal structure of moral codes that govern virtuous action. You would agree that ethics change from group to group and society to society. Christian's see ethics should be concrete and governed by God. A standardized master gauge if you will. The Christian has little to no wiggle room, and that's bothersome to many. You come off as one who is bothered by a concrete standard, as you are too weak to move it. That's OK Joe, as God's standards do not move, they are the same yesterday, today, and in the days to come.
You are correct to say, "Belief in Jesus is not the measure of morality."
The Bible does teach about putting morality into practice. Morality... back to that word.
You choose how to define it in your world of relativity, and you'll be looking like a double minded man. Are you?
Oh... in reading Mike Meyers posts, it is very evident that his allegiance is to Jesus.
Only because of Jesus, has our Republic come to be what it is. There is no denying that, too much evidence, unless... you change our history. They attempt to do that when they forbid flags, tear down statues, and deny the teaching of Jesus in our schools.
Keep in mind, I'm an Adopted Levite.
Kol Tuv
Explain how support of trump and his behavior fits within this "concrete" standard of Christianity.

You are lecturing to the wrong person, I have a well established set of morals and ethics. I cannot be moved. However, Christians in this country have shifted their morals to allow for the support of a man who is anti everything that Jesus taught. I am a christian and formerly a republican. I left the party because they sold their soul to an evil anti-Christian leader.
Very good post AL. I am taking a Philosophy Course right now and you put a better explanation here than a tenured professor. Thank you for that. I don’t like to see a good person like Meyers be insulted for a firm belief in Christianity. Why would someone be irritated by someone else’s personal beliefs? The problem with liberals is that they feel compelled to, “...change our history...they forbid flags, tear down statues, and deny the teachings of Jesus in our schools.” I stand with Meyers. There is no reason to belittle a God Faring person. I would trust Meyers with a bucket of gold. Others on this site would be better to use Meyers as a role model rather than a scapegoat. America is great.
Wow Johnny you have some hate. I've never encountered such anger in a discussion about morals.
I take it you don't attend Church?
Hey, just to let you know, giving ones life, requires sacrifice. Giving "Their Life" is a term that minimizes true hero's that have given their life in war, for example.

You have a nice evening Johnny.
So collectively, like... a brood of vipers, you and JBG so eloquently wish to offend me? Johnny demands of me? Am I not welcomed to comment here without being chastised? My comment stirred Big bad Johnny to include my children in his maniacal response? That's OK with you Country Girl? Do any of you know my children? You folks collectively have some corporate anger, which is inciting incivility, sort of like a mob? Well, of coarse, you must be embracing this new way... Socialism. In this case, JBG is the community organizer. B Good Girl, and carefully choose your friends, unless you simply subscribe to making the, "enemy of my enemy your friend."
That's the standard for alignment these days on the left. Get used to it, and be on guard, for sooner than later, you may become an enemy of your friend.
Now as for me? I love you all.
May God Bless your day... All of you.
I don't demand, I simply opine. This comment section has become rude and crude.
The TN has responsibility to see things stay civil, not Mike Meyers.
I might post supporting my President, and for some weird reason, that cranks your gears. It shows instability Joe. Your the guy who accused me of fellating the POTUS. Instability and child like nature. We raised 5 boys, and they'd run circles around your morality. You need a lesson in civility, ethics, morality, and manners Joe.
Have a peaceful day "Joe"
Want to know why it “cranks my gears”? It’s because I’m one of the faithful.

I see trump for what he is: The Golden Calf. You and those like you who quote scripture and then punctuate it with “MAGA” are Aaron. The false witness that you and the other evangelicals trump supporters could forever pervert Christ’s message and convert our faith into a hate group.

That’s why.
Come on Joe. “You are lecturing the wrong person”, you say. You have a long established pattern of being obstinate. You avoid what you don’t want to hear. You have no problem with fantasy allegations against President Trump, while you ignore facts that stare you in the face. “You are one of the faithful”, for sure. Faithful to willful ignorance. Here you admit your extreme bias. Your gears are made of warped wood and some teeth are missing. Keep it up.
Come on Joe. You are a provocateur. You are a CPA that, according to a citizen, needs to take a basic course in accounting. You arguments belie your lack of knowledge of shortfalls among other things. You would rather argue than exhibit proficiency in your career. This is part of your problem you argue everything with everyone. You are hard to get along with. You have an innate hatred of President Trump and Republicans. You blame Trump for your failed business. Did you cheat any Republican customers today? Did you overcharge a Trump supporter? Did that elderly lady with orange hair remind you of Trump enough to overcharge her? Are you mad that President Trump can take all the hatred you have without effect? Are you mad America is better with Trump? America is great. I support Meyers.
Meyers, im not the least bit concerned with your fragile snowflake feelings, im sure you are a sincere person, however, as Joe pointed out, you readily dish on everybody and every thing then smugly finish comments with "love" and "peace", so I called you out. And will again. I have also defended you and backed you. However when you make asinine claims, as you did about public education being the root of all evil in the world, one must have to fortitude to defend an essential public institution against such nonsense.

I went as far as to point out the vile hypocrisy in your own bible, you can pout, call me a viper, whatever feels good or you can denounce your statement and admit on this particular issue, you are wrong.
Thanks Johnny,
I see you think my claims on our system of education are asinine (extremely stupid or foolish).
I don't recal claimin that system to be the "Root of all evil in the world". So read over again please. Your choice is to defend the system of public education, that I will refer to as the Government School, as it is just that.
Government School? Damn Right! Is it run locally? NO! Through the individual state? NO!
By the Federal Government? Used to be! Well who is at the helm? The U.N. What? Yup! How? Through the system brought back home by the senior Bush (POTUS). Common Core!
The UN involvement in the American educational system has already been facilitated by treaties signed by American presidents from both parties. Those documents include but are not limited to: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Treaty on the Rights of the Child, Civic Education: Classroom Connections, and Agenda 21.
First look all that up, it's a start. You'll find much to debate in that alone.
We can eventually get into why they discourage critical thinking. It's a big F- - king Deal, to use a famous Joe Biden phrase.
Here are the English common core standards. I’ve read them and fail to see what is wrong with having a standardized set of expected outcomes at the completion of each grade.

Kindly reference the page and standard (agreed upon by the council of governors) you have issues with. Below is the link.
So "agreed upon by the Council of Governors" ought to make your hair stand on end. Arnie Duncan, look him up, pitched this to the Governors, and there was federal money as a purse string type bribe.
The Governors took it home. That should bother you right there. Back to the foundation! READ>>>
“The Tenth Amendment states the Constitution’s principal of federalism by providing that powers not granted to the federal government by the Constitution, nor prohibited to the States, are reserved to the States or the people.” This means States would shoulder the duties to administer the roads, education, public safety, justice and more, as decided by voters, state lawmakers and the state constitution. The Constitution did not grant any right by the federal government to control the education of our children leaving that entirely to the states and the people in each state. This would make one believe Common Core would need to be an idea of the State, but it wasn't even an idea form the Federal Gov. It was from a Global initiative, and that put an end to Common Core with anyone who embraces the Constitution.
Bush was elected President he wanted to focus his Presidency on education. Unfortunately circumstances did not let that happen and with 9/11
When Obama was elected President, Arnie Duncan was appointed the Secretary of Education. Duncan’s key initiative shortly after Obama was sworn in was a $4 billion dollar program called “Race To The Top” RTTT. That $4 billion was the bribe money Joe.
the National Governors Association and the Chief State School Officers Association, Arnie Duncan and the Obama administration, gave Pennsylvania Common Core. That's enough to make me scream. Are they local? Is that State Run? Wake up! The contents of CC are horrible, but it's how it got here, that needs to first be looked at. If you don't see a problem there, you are double minded.
The state’s had the option to adopt or not, it wasn’t forced on anyone.

However, the best thing to do instead of peddling in conspiracy theories is to read the documents. I find nothing of concern so I’m wondering which standards bother you.
Joe, you must have dual personalities. Just today you raise conspiracy theories on Epstein’s death, as though Trump shut him up. Now, here, you allay conspiracy theories, as you call out Meyers about applying standards. You are the one that needs to stabilize yourself. Your Trump Derangement Syndrome has rendered you intellectually useless. I’m wondering if you have any standards at all.
So, do you try to rip me off if I support Trump? What is the surcharge if I have a Trump/Pence lapel pin? Is it ok to get revenge against a neighbor that had a Trump sign in their yard? They deserve to pay a price for voting for that idiot, right? Joe, you are a crooked businessman that is overcome with hatred that you think is fine. Standards can be suppressed if you can “get one over on a Trumpie”, right? You bet.
It was bribed upon them through the scam known as the Obama Stimulous Plan. And it was brought throught the governor, not state legislation. The standards were pushed on the states by Federal Race to the Top funding with little to no review by local authorities. Remember Joe, decisions on education need to remain LOCAL! Come on Joe, don't you stand on anything? The Constitution Joe!
Was Common core legislated in? NO!
Get rid of it!
Our system of education has been hijacked by mush brained progressives, and the mushbrain parents are clueless. The result? Many Mushbrain kids! That's how we got to where we are. Who took the roll of raising the kids? The government school did. What are they producing? MUSH!
But again, what standards are problematic to you? Is the expectations of reading level at the finish of 3rd grade? Too lenient? Too tough? You don’t want standards at all?

For some reason alt right blogs have been painting common core as some boogeyman but they always focus on some crazy conspiracy theory of how we got it and not on what they are. Do yourself a favor and look at the standards.
Dear Johnny B Goode & Mike Meyers. I am reading a book right now about Henry Clay, the Great Compromiser. The book is pretty boring, but, it might come to good use for me right now. In many ways, both of you are alike. I think there is a minor misunderstanding between you that we can settle. Both of you are right in many ways.
MM : I believe you like teachers. You said you raised 5 kids, so, you met many more teachers than I. What you oppose are the teachers unions that take money and forcibly donate it to the Democrat Party. Not wishing to put words in either of your mouths, I apologize in advance if I am wrong. Teachers are the salt of the earth in many ways. I went to public school and owe my achievements to a great line of teachers throughout my entire career. Of course there are some insufficient teachers, but, I think both of you would agree on this. When called upon, some teachers have laid down their lives for their kids. Commonly, teachers buy glue and pencils for kids out of their meager salaries out of love for their kids. For this, and more, teachers will always have a special place in my heart. As an adult, you begin to realize that a good teacher can make more income in the private sector than in chasing mini-monsters around all day long. There is a factor of self-sacrifice out of love of kids that teachers possess. All this being said, I do not think public education is the root of all evil. Of course, things could be more efficient, as the per capita expenses are high and sometimes the results are far below the easiest standards, especially the inner cities. The problem goes far beyond the few bad teachers, and can be the subject of another discussion due to its complexity.
JBG : You are relatively new on this site. Welcome! Your inputs are valuable. Sometimes people get other people riled up on here. MM has a long standing reputation, by my observation, of being a good Christian person. I think that MM offers valuable inputs here as well. Perhaps, I have observed MM for a longer time period to establish a better outlook than you JBG. Not making any excuses, but, during a few times MM was personally insulted and wrongly understood. I think that you, JBG, saw his reaction in vociferous defense of himself & his beliefs. I apologize if it appears as though I am putting words in either of your mouths. Both of you seem like great people and I am neutral in this. I just wanted to set things straight before a slight misunderstanding grew out of proportion. Blame Henry Clay for this intervening diatribe.
I and my wife raised 7 children, as our community can attest to. Some went to private, others to public schools. I am critical of teachers, as they are all bound together by something I detest... A freaking union! That union in my experience is nothing more than a mechanism to extort my money, and turn that money around to politically come against me through supporting political legislators who hit me square in the face on just about everything! The good teachers fail to speak up for fear of the thugs (union). Since the "Good Teachers lack the fortitude to stand up for what is right? Well how good can they be? I'm tired up people cowering to thugs.
Hey, by the way, I was a card carrying member of the UAW (Mack trucks), USW (Beth Steel), and the Teamsters for a spell. I also was a Democrat when Clinton entered. Clintons opened my eyes. Thank you Bill and Hill.
The root of all evil? Those are Johnny's words, not mine. The love of money is the root of all evil, ask Epstein. The teachers continue to pay the union, even good teachers, when they don't have to.
Why do good teachers continue to pay the extortion? Fear, and the love of money. A teacher will whine about how hard their job is, all the while giving money to unions, who give to Democrats. Democrats legislate everything that helps destroy family. Destroyed families produced screwed up kids, these screwed up kids make their job difficult, but the teachers do nothing to stop the madness. Why? Spineless cowards who care only about self. Anyone cowering to unions is spineless. What the heck do teachers even need a union for? Look up what Ed Mease said about collective bargaining with government.
As for poor under paid teachers? BS They are part time workers. They have over two months off during the summer. They run businesses, or pick up a summer gig that adds to their annual salary. Teacher have better benefits than most of the folks who bust their butts to pay the tax that supports these teachers. I don't hate teachers, not at all, I said I have aaa problem with the system folks. Come on, I'm not hate filled, just tired of lacking common sense.
There's a term... like minded. When you line up with a standard (common sense), those who agree with you, do so with unwavering certainty, and aren't afraid to make it known. When we as a nation move back to common sense, we'll be Great Again.
Hey JBG, I just thought you misunderstood Meyers and I wanted to set you straight about it. You would be better off not ridiculing someone’s Religion. Meyers has more integrity than you think. Perhaps, if you ever wanted a fan club, you should be kinder.
You know Rambo I was just trying to lighten the mood and crack a joke, but clearly you were incapable of taking one, Ive never questioned mikes integrity. Point out where I did? I did level a criticism, and I did criticize religious beliefs.

Religion is NOT immune to criticism, and people like you fearing the ability to question the unquestionable is exactly why religions have kept their place in humanity for epocs. People fearing to question religion lead to the inquisition, the current killings in the Islamic world and the mindless lemmings that go to church every sunday here in America, most whom don't even like church go because :they have too.

Question everything, criticize bad ideas, read a book Rambo
JBG, in your post of Thur. 08/08/19 at 17:20, the “rose colored glasses” post, you stated, “I find it absolutely laughable and delicious in a way, to see you tout the virtues of your personal sky god and the Bronze Age mythology you loosely base him off of...Mike’s very petulant sky god/ genie is the problem...or in Mikes case his stupid kids...forget everything Mike said...shameful and disgusting’ve lost your humanity...Shame on you Meyers!” This is where you questioned Mike’s integrity. Mike is a big boy and can handle himself. For some peculiar reason you chose to insult Mike’s kids. Was that integrity or religion based? I was just trying to lower the temperature on here. If you take offense at that, that is your business. Don’t you advocate, “question anything, criticize bad ideas”? I actually complemented you JBG. Live up to it.
So back to my claim...
America’s youth are being brainwashed – yes, that’s the correct word – by progressive “education.” The system of education is a major reason we are seeing what we are seeing.
Our children represent a blank slate to the revolutionary left (“leftist” “progressive” “socialist,” “Marxist”). Beneath its facade of nonstop virtue signaling and constant idiotic accusations of “bigotry” and “racism” lies a dark reality: The left embodies a worldview and political-cultural movement in outright rebellion against God, His laws, values and plan for mankind. The left has their own plan.
When we reject reality, even unassailable truth like the biological reality of male and female, and instead insist, against all evidence and reason, that a man is a woman, that America is irredeemably racist and the worst country on earth when it’s actually the best, that borders are somehow immoral, that beautiful babies in their mother’s womb are not beautiful babies – then we are compelled by a dark, deceiving spirit to confuse, intimidate and indoctrinate everyone else so we can initiate them into our alternate reality.
And the biggest victims of all are our children.
Despite all the tearful, self-righteous denunciations of "children in cages," "drinking from toilets," "concentration camps" and other absurd accusations, the left's great concern for children proves upon closer examination to be – like most things with today's left – little more than posturing, projection, gaslighting and craven power politics.
The system of education is run by progressive liberals who jam this garbage down the throats of our children.
Democrats have proven they care little for the yet-to-be-born children of American women – particularly African-American children.
The transgender agenda – the single most delusional and purely totalitarian movement in America today – has instigated an epidemic of "early-onset gender dysphoria," a pseudo-scientific name for a form of mass hysteria now being pushed on the nation's children.
Drag queen events turn libraries into child corruption centers.
The progressive educators are stark raving mad. If their unambiguously delusional worldview is to ever be successfully transplanted into the minds of the next generation of innocent children, they have to be seduced, confused, intimidated, corrupted and programmed, and they are. They have become conflicted, because the lessons from these progressive educators, competes with the common sense within their God given conscience.
Let’s look at what you called “my claim”.

You will find the entirety of Mike’s post, word for word, in the link below. This is an alt-right website that peddles birther and other conspiracies. Mike is apparently incapable of his own thoughts so he simply cuts and pastes from these type of websites then tries to pass it off as his own. That’s called plagiarism and is very dishonest, especially from someone who tries to take the moral high ground.

Totally off topic, well maybe, Johnny B Goode was a song written and performed by the great Chuck Berry, this rock classic was chosen along with other music to be imprinted on the voyager spacecraft golden records, SNL made light of this when Steve Martin playing a news anchor read a letter from the aliens requesting NASA to "send more chuck Berry". Its humorous, it really is. Point im making, all hostilities aside, I know this because I had a great education in public school, by teachers who encouraged my childhood curiosities in my pursuit to learn more. Luckily I had some awesome parents too that let me learn and explore. Plus some quality TV like Bill Nye and Mr Rogers, im a lifelong learner today. Go johnny go !

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