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Protecting all Americans must be the top priority

Published August 12. 2019 02:38PM

In the aftermath of mass shootings in Texas and Ohio, Democratic candidates running for the party’s presidential nomination quickly turned the tragedies into political talking points, attacking gun ownership and voicing their hatred for the president.

By politicizing the shootings, liberal candidates avoided dealing with the root causes of such mass shootings. Whenever a gunman terrorizes or leaves a trail of death and suffering, many on the left target gun ownership or, in the latest cases, blame the president.

America’s history is stained with gun violence. Every day, hundreds of Americans are killed with guns and hundreds more are shot and injured. Fifty-eight percent of American adults or someone they care for have experienced gun violence in their lifetime, and about 3 million American children witness gun violence every year. The same weekend of the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, there were 7 killed and 46 wounded in shootings in Chicago. Where is the Democratic outrage over that killing zone in America’s third most populated city?

In the wake of the Florida school shooting in 2018, politicians raised concern over the influence that violent video games and films have on young people. President Trump also claimed that violent videos are “shaping young people’s thoughts.”

After the El Paso and Dayton shootings, the president urged the nation to condemn bigotry and white supremacy. He also voiced support strengthening background checks and “red flag” laws that would keep weapons out of the wrong hands.

Most liberal Democrats, their political blinders on, are not about to concede or agree with the president on anything, let alone the gun violence issue which will be a prime Democratic issue in the 2020 election. There is disagreement among scientists and many elected officials about how constant exposure to media violence affects aggressive thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

Trump and other politicians’ conservative lawmakers, including Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, have suggested that video games were to blame for real-world violence. But there are just as many who deny any linkage between mass shootings and brutal video games. Andrew Przybylski, a researcher at Oxford University who has been studying the psychological effects of video games for more than a decade, sees no evidence that violent video game play leads to aggression in the real world. There’s more of a consensus on mental illness as a contributing factor. Many of the mass shooters had complex psychiatric histories. Some were considered to be social loners.

Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, which seeks to improve our understanding of the causes of gun violence and the means to reduce it, lists some revealing data on gun homicides on its website.

• One of the main reasons that U.S. homicide rates are so much higher than in most Western democracies is our easy access to guns. One-third of gun deaths are homicides, and the U.S. rate is 25 times that of other high-income countries.

• Nearly two-thirds of gun deaths are suicides, and the nation’s gun suicide rate is 10 times that of other high-income countries. Access to a gun increases the risk of death by suicide by three times, and gun suicides are concentrated in states with high rates of gun ownership.

• Black Americans represent the majority of gun homicide victims. In fact, black Americans are 10 times more likely than white Americans to die by gun homicide.

There are many components to gun violence, including gun control, mental health and social media. These are complicated issues for federal and state officials to sort out and address. Protecting the children and our communities, however, is indisputable and should always be priority number 1 for elected officials.

By Jim Zbick |

Well Jim, don't go trusting the Government to protect you. Heck they couldn't keep a guy alive who was all alone and locked in a cell. Just Saying
How Christian of you too use demeaning terms in an attempt to assert your imagined dominance over women. You are such a big man

By the way it’s hilarious that you accuse the AP of bias on the basis of them listing trump first in a list of potential co-conspirators (he’s the current president!) but ignore the obvious bias of this writer.
I fear for the salvation of those who may read your comments on this site and think that this is what Christianity is.
I am ashamed and I can be silent about it no longer. Seldom do the people on this site who like to pronounce their faith loudly ever exemplify it in a respectable way.
Or perhaps maybe you are all too well - or at least, that is what non-believers might come to believe after all this back and forth.
I appreciate your response back. I’m afraid modesty is a bandaid on a severed head at this point though - at least for those who have been communicating with you or whoever could be reading along silently as I have done.
I have a question for you: What is sarcasm?
Kronos, sadly this is what has become of Christianity. Instead of the gospel we have culture wars and an embrace of a leader whose daily actions are the antithesis of Christian behavior. Many Christians, including the ones you see on here, are adopting trump’s behavior as their own....these posts read like trump’s tweets.

But it started before that. We are all human and fallible but this type of Christian false witness is becoming more normalized in the current climate. If this trajectory continues the church will indeed be more like a hate group than a faith.

Your words were far more articulate than mine and I’m glad for the example.
Come on Joe. Books have been written concerning the liberal bias of the media. Thus the term, “fake news.” At some point in the recent past, journalism has developed into a liberal weapon. Many times it is in subtle ways. You, I presume, are tone deaf to these methods, since you are extremely biased yourself. Over 90% of journalists are liberals. Watch CNN & MSNBC for blatant examples of fake news. They conveniently ignore facts. They twist facts. They deflect. They lie. They insult. They are like you, Joe. It is hilarious that you are so blind you can’t even see it. This is why Trump will win again.
We know the human brain is not fully developed until the mid 20’s, while this approach wouldn’t be the least bit popular, I think states should have the option to raise the age to own a gun, to 30 years. You will have a fully matured more rational thinking person owning a deadly weapon.

Hi Mike, that is definitely a valid question, and in a perfect world we wouldn’t be having this conversation at all, but, if serious knife crime was happening with young males of all races, like the inner city violence in Chicago to mass killings in schools, then certainly this option should be considered. We technically do it now with cars, cigarettes, alcohol and hand guns, setting an age when they can be purchased/ used.
It’s a silly argument to ban guns outright, because it won’t stop anything, murder is already illegal and it’s rampant. So the only logical step I can think of is giving states the right to maybe set age limits on guns within their respective borders?
Old enough to go get killed defending the country (armed forces), get out, and not be able to defend your own home?
We've wandered away too far as a society. Certain genre of music encourages ganster killing (even of cops), violence in movies or video games, in the name of entertainment. We consider infaticide as a scrafice to the god of self. These all bring down the value of life itself.
We've turned so many corners, there's no finding a way back. We've progressed!
Criminals and crazies should not be allowed to have weapons. Weapons range from scissors to knives to guns. Crazies, in particular are energized by violent video games where life is reduced to a point value. Violent “shoot ‘em up” movies compete for audiences with ever increasing violence. Song lyrics praise violence to vulnerable minds that want to fit in. It only takes one nut job to kill. The violence incited by CNN & MSNBC is just as bad as anything.
When mass knifings start occurring on a daily basis perhaps we should have discussion.

Where it is different though is that guns are designed, and intended, to be a lethal tool. Although some knives may be designed for that, 99.9% of them have a non-lethal use. In fact knives that are designed to do harm have generally been outlawed (e.g. switchblades, daggers and cane swords).

Guns by their design are intended to kill so it is reasonable to expect some parameters on who should possess them.
To go back to the top... don't expect government to keep you safe.
In the poll (above), you will learn 41 % polled, DO NOT think that recent mass murders would have been prevented by stricter gun laws, while only 34 % think they would have. (25 % uncertain).
Here's the dangerous stat... 57 % said they want the Senate to come back early from recess to Washington in order to work on gun legislation.
That's foolishness, I mean polling shows that majority don't feel there's a lacking of gun control laws capable of preventing these things, and an even greater majority want the government to make more laws! People are confused! They make no sense, as they lack common sense.
DO NOT RELY ON Government for your security. As no king is saved by the size of his army, and a horse, being a mighty animal, it can not save you, nor is any man saved through his own strength.
Man can NOT fix this!
We have daily mass shootings, every other country does not.

We have violent video games. Other countries do too.

We have violent movies. Other countries do too.

We have a large percentage not going to church. Other countries do too.

We have lax gun laws. Every other country has strict ones.

See the issue?
I’ll have to side with mike a little with this one, murder is already illegal yet it happens anyway. Gun control will disarm innocent people. This is why I advocate a more accountable age for gun possession. Plain and simple if you are under 30 you shouldn’t have full access to a firearm period. If you do, it’s under direct supervision like the military or police force for example.
But even on this idea, let the states decide for themselves, not the federal government. It’s the federal governments job to secure the second amendment, let the states decide the best ways to deter crime
I don’t know what the answer is but people keep suggesting causes that are not unique to America and downplaying the aspects that are unique to America.

This is illogical no?
Sure it is, but you and mike I feel both are trying to identify an underlying cause or culprit. And frankly there may not be one, so the best thing a secular state can do is enact laws targeting problem groups. For instance alcohol with minors, tobacco with children or hand guns for those under 21. I’m ALL for freedom and liberty but it does appear that young males of all races have a problem here with gun violence
Agreed. We also have a glut of weapons and an industry with no restraint. PLCAA and the NRA have created a culture of no accountability for gun producers and retailers. Any other industry would self restrain from flooding a product causing such societal damage, or face liability.
This is false Joe. You can’t tell a gun from a rock and you come on here and profess intricate knowledge of guns, gun laws, gun manufacturers, etc. the NRA is an advocate of gun safety and responsible gun manufacturing. The bottom line is that gun ownership is an important responsibility that is safely achieved by millions of gun owners every day. Criminals and crazies should be kept away from weapons. Bad things happen when criminals and crazies get guns. NRA members or Presidents of gun manufacturers do not misuse guns. The liberal agenda is wrong. If your neighbor is driving drunk, why should your car be impounded by the Law?
I'm a law abiding citizen, don't come at me with controls and checks. I'll give you a b check, you give me the full right to carry any where I want, plane, school, gubmint buildings... anywhere. The whole "Carry Permit" BS is against the Constitution.
We have plenty of laws, enforce them!
I guess I either feel capable of defending myself or I have far more faith than you in God’s plan but I have never felt I needed to carry a gun. Go ahead and carry your security blanket if you want to but the rest of us recognize that our safety should trump your insecurity
Joe, there might be a time when you have a random brush with evil. That might be at anytime or anywhere or anyplace. I had a situation like that several years ago. Fortunately, the police arrived as I was about to shoot an assailant of my elderly neighbor. Believe me, the last thing I ever wanted to do is shoot someone. Luckily, the police came and arrested the criminal. Not having a gun for defense would have been a terribly empty feeling. Imagine having nothing to save your family as a criminal is about to shoot you. I hope to God you never have that feeling. You would trade your entire savings for a gun then, but, it would be too late. The police thanked me for saving a life. Don’t be condescending to those who choose to carry a weapon. Evil can cross your path at the most unexpected time. As to your bravado, “i...feel capable of defending myself...” I too am quite capable of defending myself. I have years of martial arts training and strength conditioning. I have weapons training from the military & civilian sides. You seem to insinuate that you are too smart to have a “security blanket”. This comment displays your ignorance of the whole situation. Every day people are attacked when evil crosses their path. Don’t think you are any better than anyone else. Of course you can stay away from the MAC machine after dark and do a Million other things to reduce the chances of random violence. There will be a day when faith lets you down. Now, all of that being said, if someone decides to carry, proper training is essential. Practice is imperative. Knowledge of gun laws is essential. Also, you are not a police officer to step in the middle of every fight you see brandishing a gun like you are John Wayne. That is not acceptable. Carrying a gun is a precious right that involves tremendous responsibility. Trust me, if you ever get in a situation in which you need a gun, and all you have is your mouth, you would quickly recognize that a gun would trump your mouth.
I guess I just understand that the odds that your gun will be used to harm a family member, be accidently discharged or used in a suicide is infinitely higher than it ever being used defensively. I have hunting guns in my home (locked away separate from ammo) but I would never dream of running around with one in my car or in public.
Owning a gun is not for everyone. Concealed Carry is not for everyone either. It is to your credit Joe, that you recognize that it is not for you. Guns are precious and demand safe handling at all times.Guns also require recurrent training and a review of pertinent laws. Perhaps, this is the difference between us. I was military trained in weapons. I probably fired 1/2 million rounds. Being in combat encourages you to be familiar with your weapon. You actually sleep with your weapon if you are in the infantry.You would wear a handgun as a combat flight crew member. You wouldn’t need that unless you had to eject. That would be the least of your problems at that point. In either case gun safety is essential. Proper training will avoid an enemy wresting the weapon from you and shooting your family. Practice and familiarity will reduce the chances of an accidental discharge (never quite 0%). I had a Marine weapons instructor have an accidental discharge. He shot his computer. Luckily only his pride was wounded. The suicide thing is minimal. In the military, you turn in your weapon if you feel that way. Weapons are locked up in the armory unless you are in direct contact with the enemy. Officers watch out for strange behavior. This is rare in the active military. At least in combat pilots. The civilian world would be better off to adapt the military protocol with the handling of guns. I cringe when I read about hunters drinking booze and handling guns. Also, stuff like gun under the pillow and curious child discharges gun. Weapons must be secured properly in a safe, or, under handlers control always.
Rambo, can we please see some statistics that support your comment? "Crazies, in particular are energized by violent video games where life is reduced to a point value."

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