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Police: Armed robbery suspect killed by store employee

Published August 27. 2019 10:15AM

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Police say an armed man who allegedly tried to rob a mobile phone store in southwest Philadelphia was shot and killed by a store employee.

A police spokesman says the unidentified man who appeared to be in his late 30s entered the Metro PCS store shortly after 4 p.m. Monday and tried to hold up the establishment.
Police say the store employee, who has a permit to carry a firearm, fired multiple times, striking the man, who was pronounced dead at the scene minutes later.
No other injuries were reported and the weapon was recovered.

When are losers going to learn that endangering their lives for their employer's bottom line is a stupid move. Let the republican punk profiteer lose a few bucks. He'll rip it off from some poor family or get back from investing in a company that abuses children.
Now the thieve's family will sue Metro PCS and this employee will be fired for his actions MAGA Bitches, MAGA!
T2C/ formerly diggerout who was expelled from here for vulgar insults you are a hateful halfwit. This serves as a textbook example of how conceal carry should be. An armed robber who could have killed many people was shot dead before he had a chance to kill or rob. A law abiding citizen with a carry permit was there to stop the terrible situation. The police would have taken several minutes to respond even in an ideal situation. Other crooks will think twice before they attempt to rob. It is smart for a law abiding citizen to never know when you will cross paths with an evil person. This Metro PCS employee showed leadership and quick thinking skills that saved lives. In a normal world he should be promoted. America is great. MAGA!
Where is the moderator of this board?
HELLO? Kick foul mouth T2C off.
As for shooting the armed robber? Tough beans.
Live by the sword, die by the sword.
Hmmm, not a pro life stand you are taking there. Did he ask for it? Sure. Was it necessary? Probably. Was is justified? We will find out. But even if this guy had it coming he was still a dad, brother, son, etc who will be mourned. And I guarantee the shooter isn’t as indifferent to this mans life as you are. I’ve known police officers who have used lethal force in a justified manner who were haunted by guilt and ptsd. Soldiers returning home often have the same. And we don’t know this guy’s story.

Either way, the loss of human life should never be blown off as “tough beans”. The impact on all is a tragedy.
Come on Joe. Please do not be so ignorant as to think that an armed citizen thinks about a pro life posture as a criminal with a weapon walks in the door. It is unfortunate, but, who is at fault? The criminal should have thought about his family earlier. I mentioned earlier that I almost had to use lethal force in a civilian situation. You go through so much training it becomes a reflex action. If you hesitate and daydream about sympathies toward an armed robber, you will be the one killed. In some situations, it is either “kill or be killed.” All was different when you are in combat...or what President Obama called, “an overseas contingency operation”. “You fight like you train” was always my motto...on the air or ground. Killing isn’t fun is all I will say about that.
Sometimes things get reduced to, “who’s wife do you want to get the flowers...his...or yours?”
That’s not what I said at all. I’m calling out Meyer’s indifference to this guy’s life. We can assume it was justified but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a tragedy. You go tell this guys kids that they shouldn’t mourn because daddy “should have considered his family first”
Personal responsibility puts the blame for the crime upon the criminal. I am sure you would not steal a gun and develop a plan for armed robbery. I am sure you would not sit in your car to surveil a business. You see, there are an infinite number of choices to reconsider. When a criminal walks into a place with a gun in their hands to kill someone for whatever reason... they should be shot dead. Daddy was a criminal that attempted to kill someone. Too bad.
"America is great" "MAGA 'make America great again'", can you say oxymoron, with the emphasize on moron. And BTW I never return to read replies to my comments; have no desire to hear from the cultists as it is always the same tired Idol worshiping gibberish just like you're imbecile uneducated post. So have at it, you're just blowing in the wind, enjoy your numbered days dinosaurs, come 2020 your extinction is written in stone.
LB, America is great. You are having a mental meltdown. Where is your emotional support bunny rabbit? “I never return to read replies...”, perfect...ignoring facts. That is the best way to learn. What happened to the all inclusive, loving, and kind liberal. You are a hateful bigot. I know you came back to read this LB. I know the frailties of liberals better than you do. Ha. President Trump is your master. MAGA. Deep down LB, you know that you are dominated by President Trump. Bow to your Ruler.

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