Lehighton Area School District
Lehighton Area School District’s board of directors approved the following action Monday night:
• Consolidated grant agreements for the 2019-20 school year including Title I, Part A, $580,506; Title I, Part D, $48,732; Title II, Part A, $101,648; and Title IV, Part A $43,951.
• Accepted the donation to the general fund of $400 from Griff’s Ale Haus & Grille for the Title I Reading Program at the Lehighton Area Elementary Center.
• Student and adult lunch price increase by 10 cents for the 2019-20 school year.
• An agreement for participation in child nutrition programs sponsor’s agreement with Behavioral Health Associates.
• Approved a transportation services contract from Behavioral Health Associates for the 2019-20 school year.
• Approved an employee to attend the National Association of School Resource Officers, NASRO Basic SRO/SPO Course, in Schnecksville from Sept. 16-20 at a cost not to exceed $800.
• Contract with Lehigh Carbon Community College for the district to supply meals to the Carbon County Shine after-school program administered by LCCC held in the Lehighton Area Elementary Center. The district will be reimbursed $3.60 per meal served.
• Service agreement with Population Health Innovations Inc. to provide access to Health eTools, a daily electronic medical record platform for school nurses for school years 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22, at a cost not to exceed $2,250.
• Resignation of Jena Wank, elementary teacher; Felicia Fischer, special education teacher; and Kimberly Nenscel, elementary teacher.
• Hired Stephanie Gustafson, elementary long-term substitute for the 2019-20 school year at $43,000, and Christina Brong, Title I math teacher at $43,000.
• Approved the 2020 Lehighton Junior-Senior Prom to be held at The Centennial Catering and Conference Center in Center Valley on Friday, May 8, 2020, from 5-10 p.m.
• An affiliation agreement with Drexel University for experiential learning for education students.
• Dual enrollment agreement with Lehigh Carbon Community College for the 2019-20 school year.
The board may be volunteers, but recognize 'the administration' receives significant educational funds for their work. A perk of 'the work' is the ear of those disbursing the funds, the board. This includes steering most of the government funds, every year. Forty million collect and shared each and every year to teach about 2000 youths.
For instance, President Larry Stern's spouse works at the district, as does friends and family of the block voting five.
One of the five, Rita Spinelli, also admitted she has familial relations working at the district. In the the August meeting Rita rambled something about her suggestion to 'hang by her thumbs in the sun's' before she would vote to allow me, a savvy businessperson to participate in the negotiations between the actual employer (the govt, ie the authority of the board members) and the employees. She abdicated the negotiations to the lobbyist group known as the district administrators'. A shameless ploy to against progress in the form of student protection and saving the community.
My outspoken belief is that we save money, protect the students, and serve the community and staff by implementing an employee drug screen program, followed by reducing over time, and bringing the employee benefits into line. I suggested we open up the opportunities to the dual enrollment programs. By my participation the board would provide the stakeholders, (us paying the bill), to at least have a seat at the table. Heck, I'll bring my own chair.
Missing in the Times News article was the things the board failed to pass. Like proper access to district financial documents, and a community representative for the negotiations, basic stuff like that were voted down by the oppressors.
This blockage of proper governance only makes our hard working staff at the district appear to be adversarial. I trust the teacher would want to save the district hundreds of thousands of dollar for a simple drug screen program? When I taught, I had to pass a screen, many large employers screen. It is not like anyone is projected to fail. In the war on opioids, drugs and alcohol use by youth, let's all take a stand showing we are on the side of drug-free schools, drug free staff.
Add lets screen the school boards, and all public, government officials and employees across the state. It is time, we as a community say, let's Protect the Children and Save the Community.
As for Rita, the entire board should get out of the dark and spend a day in the sun, absorb some nice, free, Vitamin D, and give the community some well deserved transparency of government. Let's Protect the Student, Save the Community first.
Then we can easily remove the favoritism, cronyism, corruption and waste. It is time to re-open the administration's recommended budget, and adopt the one created by board members that had the tax decrease.
Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
Save the community
Drug screening employees at the district typically saves liability risks and on insurances.
An easy win since all the staff work around children should pass. We would be giving the district stakeholder the benefit of a proven drug-free workplace. Trust and verify.
Federal funding supports a drug-free policy, and the LASD Board has prevented adding such drug-free screening measures in the past. It is as if the board five have 'better' things to do, like raise taxes, fail to implement bank transitions, twiddle their thumbs when the protection of the students and efforts to save the community requires moral actions.
When we see all the corruption and waste, we all should seek the resignation of Rita Spinelli, Wayne Wentz, Larry Stern, Andrew Yenser, and Steve Holland, our feckless board members. Just look at their past votes and who contributed to the Reach Committee. Look at the hiring practices, lack of a drug screen policy, favoritism, cronyism and how they attempt to silence those protecting the children and saving the community.
Larry Stern claimed immunity in his court pleadings. To me, that was admission enough to save the community for paying for his expensive legal battle. A withdrawn case brings awareness. Larry Stern claiming immunity, twice, should shows the public, Cleaver, and Yenser where his loyalty lies. These zealots expose themselves in their defense of an immunity plea by a board president.
Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
Our community deserves fiscal oversight
Our district deserves honesty
Our students deserve protection
Our staff deserves the freedom to teach.
Tired of a board that does 'what they want'? Vote Nov 5 the, and write in a better government.
Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.