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State, Local governments have another thing to worry about

Published September 05. 2019 12:41PM

As if they didn’t have enough issues facing them, states, counties and municipalities face another major worry — having their computer systems hacked and held for ransom.

It’s been happening all over the country, and the scary part about it is that it can happen to any community, regardless of size.

Locally, the city of Allentown’s computer system was victimized by destructive malware called Emotet, and it cost more than $1.2 million to fix the problem.

In July, Luzerne County hired Sylint, a Florida-based managed security services provider to help recover from a malware attack that hobbled the county’s courthouse computers and rendered its property and assessment records inoperative for weeks.

This past May, Baltimore’s computer system was compromised to the tune of about $18 million.

All three refused to pay the attackers’ ransom demands. Two Florida cities did pay earlier this year. Officials in Lake City agreed pay the equivalent of $426,000, while those in Rivera Beach paid $600,000.

The payments or the costs of fixing the damage do not include the disruption and inconvenience to not only officials and their employees but also to taxpayers and those doing business with these governmental entities.

Other communities have paid ransoms, but, as you might imagine, they are reluctant to admit it for fear of having other hackers target them.

These unexpected expenses add to the financial challenges of cash-strapped communities.

At its summer meeting in Hawaii, the U.S. Conference of Mayors agreed not to pay ransom to hackers.

Officials in many communities are reluctant to talk about vulnerability and whether they have or plan to take steps to prevent these devastating types of cyber attacks.

If you think that the danger has passed, you are wrong, because as recently as last month (August), nearly two dozen communities in Texas were infected by ransomware.

Texas officials call this one of the largest coordinated attacks of its kind ever seen in our country.

Many of those affected are small communities that lack their own dedicated information technology security staff or individuals. In some instances, the communities outsource their systems, but, depending on the company or setup, these entities may not have the expertise to respond to such a significant and sophisticated attack.

Barracuda, an information technology firm, released the results of its study of the problem and found that smaller towns are often more vulnerable because they lack the technology or resources to protect against ransomware attacks.

The report said that nearly two-thirds of all publicly known attacks in the nation this year have been aimed at state and local governments.

It said that there have been 55 attacks from Jan. 1 through July 31; this does not include the 22 in Texas in August.

The study found that a quarter of the attacks involved communities of fewer than 15,000 residents, while nearly half were aimed at communities of fewer than 50,000.

While knowledge is power, this problem is far from over. “Will it happen again? It is happening again,” said James Globe of the Center for Internet Security at a conference for state information technology officials last month.

Even when communities get access to their networks again, they are finding that there is a loss of confidence in the ability of their systems to protect sensitive information or to handle basic services such as emergency communications, balloting, water and power.

It was not encouraging to hear Chris Krebs, director of the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency say, “The business model for the ransomware operators for the past several years has proved to be successful.”

By Bruce Frassinelli |

This is a threat, but not to our election in PA. We are being trained on the new voting machines. But hey, there never was a threat there.
I'm really scared of plastic straws... Whitehall Twp. is taking action, check them out. I m,ay be moving to Whitehall!
Consider how devastating, that the Russians could hack Hillary Clinton’s private server?
The Ruskies would have, or did, read the emails they hacked, and the information read lead to Clinton’s server. If as suggested, Russia hacked Podesta, then Putin knew of Wikileak e-mails before Obama did. Putin may like me, but he loves the dolts among the Democrat party. In this love triangle, why wouldn't Putin hack Clinton’s unencrypted server?
Joe, instead of being so angry with Trump for winning, try being upset with Hillary for loosing, it may make life a bit more bearable.
Say, with all these Trump victories, I'll soon be tired of winning. Bwah ha ha ha ha!

We've done our part. These out of touch candidates aren't planning on running the Globe are they? I mean, how will they clean up China? Actually, Trump's doing that in the guise of tariffs. How's Crazy BERNIE going to force his deal on India? Forget about that Climate Change Hoax, it won't get you elected to dog catcher.
The Mueller Report was a failure. The Mueller Testimony was an epic failure. I would have rather watched a documentary on straws. The reason you don’t hear about the report anymore is because it was a terribly played out hoax. Did you see the awful testimony? CG, are you addicted to CNN & MSNBC? Was Mueller trying to leverage “white male privilege”?
Come on CG. The US had an annual trade deficit with China of $500 Billion. That had been going on for years. China needs our $ more than we need their cheap products. President Trump enacted tariffs as a temporary means to correct this situation, which is only temporary. Our economy is great right now, as China struggles with their economy. Now is the perfect time to correct this. Be patient, things are working. You do want America to win, right? China agreed, then they backed out. Now, China wants to talk again. China deceives it’s own people on this too. Have an open mind for what happens.
Honestly all Russia and China need to do is put some fake right wing conspiracy memes on social media and these trump loyalists eat it up
Joe, Trump loyalists are every bit as smart as you. I would venture to guess that nearly all far exceed your intellectual capacity. Especially if you factor in your extreme bias, which shackles your intellect. Your subjective evaluations render you useless. You hate President Trump so much you would do anything to get him removed from office. Your rage intensifies with every failure. Neither Russia nor China are our friends. President Trump is taking appropriate measures. You are either unable or unwilling to see that. You can be as dumb as you want to be. Eat up your own garbage.
Here's real news...

The US exported 97.0 million short tons (MMst) of coal in 2017, a 61% (36.7 MMst) increase from the 2016 level. Exports to Asia more than doubled from 15.7 MMst in 2016 to 32.8 MMst in 2017, although Europe continues to be the largest recipient of U.S. coal exports.

Just facts...
Do you know what our coal and natural gas is doing to the Russians?
Oil prices are below where they need to be for Russia to sell at profit.
Trump did that with our coal and gas!

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