Confusion about election for commissioner
I am truly confused. Before the May primary for county commissioner, Chris Lukasevich, a candidate I personally support, worked hard to be nominated. He went door-to-door talking to Carbon County residents, he arranged it so the commissioner meetings could be seen online for the first time by county residents so they could judge for themselves the problems that face the county and the effectiveness of their commissioners, he participated in the two debates that were made available to the Republican candidates.
His hard work led to an upset victory over incumbent Tom Gerhard. Gerhard lost because he never participated in the debates, never responded to the honest concerns Lukasevich was raising, and frankly failed to make wise choices during his time as a commissioner.
So now Lukasevich is one of the two Republican nominees for commissioner. But I am now confused because it is clear that the local Carbon County Republican Committee and some of its officers are not supporting Chris but would prefer to see Gerhard remain as a commissioner. This is after the registered Republican voters made it clear that they want Chris as their candidate. And this is though the committee bylaws state that the committee and its officers SHALL be loyal to its nominees.
What is even more galling is the fact that Gerhard has decided to run as a write-in candidate, and his supporters are stating through social media that Chris is evil and bullied Tom. Imagine an eight-year incumbent being bullied by a political novice. Imagine a 34-year special forces veteran who put his life on the line for the security of this great nation is now considered evil because he has brought the truth about what is going on in this county to its residents.
Lastly, your newspaper and Blue Ridge cable have decided to have Gerhard participate in the debate scheduled for Oct. 28. I know Chris has no problem with this arrangement because he is willing to face all challengers. On the other hand, I personally do. Gerhard doesn’t deserve to participate. He is not a nominee because he already lost in the primary. If I held myself out as a write-in candidate, would I be allowed to participate as well? I do not understand why he has been invited. It makes me wonder about the intent of the people that make it possible for this to happen.
Armin Feldman
Tommie does not deserve the honor to stand on that stage with Bob, Rocky, Gerry, Wayne, or me. Tommie’s current effort speaks more to his shortcomings than I could ever have pointed out or demonstrated by live streaming the weekly Board of Commissioners’ Meeting. Tommie was invited to two candidate forums before the primary, and he decided not to participate out of fear of having to defend actions such as threating the destruction of St Mark, voting for a $7,800 pay raise, accumulating $24,000,000 in debt, 49% tax increase, stating he opposed wind turbines yet accepting $2,500 from Mr. Kovatch who will reap notable financial reward from their placement etc.
This write-in campaign is all about Tommie and nothing about the best interest of the citizens of this county or the will and desire of Republican voters. Their decision was made on 21 May.
Clearly, Tommie has not earned the right to be at the debate. However, you are correct. I do welcome the challenge of driving another proverbial nail in the coffin (but that does not make the invitation justifiable). The actions of the hosts/sponsors of this debate are frankly disgraceful, and I suspect self-serving. The motivations of BRC, The Times News, and the Carbon Chamber are dubious at best.
They are attempting to give credibility to one who has none, and this clearly calls into the question their motive. For sure, any other “write-in” candidate would not be invited, even those who possess attributes far beyond Tommie’s. He lost! A political novice beat him and he refuses to man up, look in the mirror, take responsibility for his failure, and accept reality. This reminds me of candidate Hillary Clinton after her defeat. It is somewhat ironic that Republican Tommie and his supporters are acting similarly.
The Carbon County Republican Committee, specifically certain members of its E-Board to include all of its officers (Lee Becker, Jean Papay, Kay Becker, and Susie Gerhard), do not represent the interests of the majority of registered Republicans but rather their own “establishment.” Again, we see selfishness instead of selflessness.
The Committee remains in violation of its bylaws and members of its E-Board actively and blatantly works to undermine the will of the Republican voters of Carbon County. However, I knew from “Day-1” that the establishment, even within the party of my affiliation, would act subversively against anyone who was committed to placing the PEOPLE above party and politics. I refuse to “join the good ole boy network,” and will stand on principle.
I was reading some Thomas Paine the other day and came across these quotes from his pamphlets The American Crisis. They seem fitting for quoting:
“These are the times that try men's souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”
“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”
Again, job well done and thanks for your support and to the thousands of others who recognize that a clean slate is needed in the Board of Commissioners and the status quo must go.
If it matters to you, it matters to me,
(570) 503-6780
voted for neither of them..
Ignoring the voter is a distressing growing trend. In the best selling book Tailspin, the author explains that citizens have zero input to public policy anymore. This entire fiasco sure backs that claim.
How much do you cost me each month in military pension? I'm not thrilled about being double dipped to screw up my County.
Just for the record, unlike you, I don't use my service status for personal or political gain. You should be ashamed, appearing in uniform on campaign posters. You cheapen,
while others served with quite dignity and love of country. As demonstrated in your statement, you use your service to bolster yourself and to call into question the Patriotism of others. I've seen and heard you only demonstrate the ability to question, insult and accuse. You have nothing to offer. You've earned the title of FRED. If you choose to use social media like a jilted teenaged girl, expect it to come back and bite you. Not everyone looking is a Luckabot!
Pretty Cool, Eh