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Chris L Lukasevich

Professional Biography
Colonel Chris “Luke” Lukasevich, U.S. Army (Retired)

After more than 3 decades of active duty military service, Chris retired from the U.S. Army on 30 November 2014 having closed his military career managing the largest Security Cooperation Office in the Western Hemisphere as Chief, Office of Security Cooperation, U.S. Military Group-Colombia, U.S. Embassy, Bogota, Colombia. Since transitioning and retiring from active duty military service, he has shared his depth and breadth of experience supporting the U.S. Departments of Defense and State as a Senior Policy Analyst with the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO), a Personnel Recovery Advisor, Bureau of Diplomatic Security and currently as a senior mentor and technical advisor to the U.S. Special Operations Community.
Originally from Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, he entered the U.S. Army in September 1980 as an enlisted soldier. He completed just shy of nine years of service and achieved the rank of Sergeant First Class before accepting a U.S. Army ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps) Active Duty Scholarship to pursue his commission as an active duty officer. As a commissioned officer, Chris rose from the rank of 2nd Lieutenant to “Full-bird” Colonel; the rank at which he retired.
His enlisted career began as a radio operator and rifleman with the 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger (Airborne). In 1983, he completed the Special Forces Qualification Course and subsequently served in the 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) as an Operational Detachment “Alpha” (ODA) member. He followed this assignment with duty in the 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) as an ODA member and a battalion level staff non-commissioned officer (NCO).
From 1989-1991, Chris, along with his wife Maggie, attended the Pennsylvania State University pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Politics. During this same period, he served with the 11th Special Forces Group (Airborne), U.S. Army Reserve. He graduated in May 1991 and received a Regular Army, Active Duty Commission as a 2nd lieutenant.
Upon completion of the Infantry Officer Basic Course in 1992, 2LT Lukasevich was assigned to the 1st Battalion (Airborne), 508th Infantry, Fort Kobbe, Republic of Panama. His duty positions included Infantry Platoon Leader, Scout Platoon leader, and S-3 Air Officer. In 1994, First Lieutenant Lukasevich assumed the position of Aide-de-Camp to the Commanding General, Special Operations Command South.
After completing the Special Forces Officer Qualification Course in 1996, he returned to the 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne), Fort Bragg, North Carolina and served as an ODA Commander and Assistant S-3, Operations Officer.
In 2000, Captain Lukasevich conducted Foreign Area Officer In-Country Training in the Republic of Peru and attended the Peruvian Army’s Infantry Officer Advance Course.
Upon return from Peru, then Major Lukasevich earned his Master of Arts in Latin-American Studies at the University of Arizona. This was succeeded by an assignment as the Exercise Flight, Foreign Area Officer, U.S. SOUTHCOM Air Forces (USSOUTHAF), Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Tucson, Arizona
From January – December 2003, he attended the Australian Command and Staff College in Canberra, Australia.
In August 2004, Chris assumed the position of Managing Editor, Foreign Language Editions (Hispano-American, Brazilian, & Arabic), Military Review, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
In 2005, he served as Commander, Advisory Support Team, Base Support Unit, Habbaniyah, Iraq.
Following his departure from Fort Leavenworth in 2006, LTC Lukasevich served as the Senior Military Latin-American Analyst for Headquarters, Department of the Army, Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, G-2.
From 2007-2008, he was assigned as the Chief, Planning Assistance Training Team – Colombia to lead an embedded advisory assistance program supporting the Colombian Armed Forces’ operations against narco-terrorists.
In June 2008-mid 2011, he was assigned as a Politico-Military Planner in the Joint Staff J-5, Strategic Plans and Policy, Deputy Directorate, Western Hemisphere with primary responsibility for the politico-military affairs with the countries of Bolivia, Colombia, and Ecuador while also serving as a U.S. Delegate to the Inter-American Defense Board. In 2011, Colonel Lukasevich assumed the position of Chief, Americas Division in the same organization and continued to provide politico-military insight to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and other senior Department of Defense and U.S. Government officials.
From 2012-2014, Colonel Lukasevich led the Office of Security Cooperation, U.S. Embassy, Bogota, Colombia and effective 1 December 2014 entered the U.S. Army’s Retirement Role after more than 34 years of distinguished service in uniform.
In June 2014, Chris and his wife Maggie, son Taylor, and daughter Molly returned to his hometown, Jim Thorpe, PA where they currently reside.

Civilian Education: Pierce College, Tacoma, WA - Associates of Arts (1989); The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania - Bachelor of Arts in International Politics (1991); University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona - Master of Arts in Latin American Studies (2002); and Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA – Master of Business Administration (2019).

Professional Education and Schooling: Basic Combat Training (1980); Basic Radio Operator Course w/International Morse Code (1981); Airborne School (1981); Ranger School (1981); Special Forces Qualification Course (1983); Primary Leadership Development Course (1984); Defense Language Institute – Spanish (1985); Northern Warfare Infantry Company Course (1987); Basic Non-Commissioned Officer Course – Infantry – (1987); Static Line Jumpmaster Course (1987); Special Forces Operations & Intelligence Course (1988); Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape High Risk Training ( 1988); Military Freefall (1988); Master Fitness Trainer Course (1990); Infantry Officer Basic Course (1991); Infantry Mortar Leader Course (1992); Infantry Leaders’ Course (1992); Anti-Terrorist Driving and Surveillance Detection Course (1994); Infantry Officer Advance Course (1996); Special Forces Officer Qualification Course (1996); Joint Firepower Control Course (1998); Individual Terrorism Awareness Course (1999); Combined Arms Service Staff School (1999); Infantry Officer Advance Course, Army of the Republic of Peru (2000); Latin America Orientation Course (2002); Australian Command and Staff College (2003); Defense Language Institute – Brazilian Portuguese (2004); Joint and Combined Warfighting School, JMPE II (2008); Joint Foreign Area Officer (Western Hemisphere) Program Phase II (2010); Security Cooperation Management Overseas Course (2011), Personnel Recovery Management Course (2015), and Foreign Affairs Counter Threat (2015).

Awards and Decorations: Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (2nd OLC), Joint Service Achievement Medal (1st OLC), Army Commendation Medal (2nd OLC), Joint Service Commendation Medal (1st OLC), Army Achievement Medal (SLC), Joint Military Unit Award (4th OLC), Army Good Conduct Medal (1st OLC), National Defense Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Humanitarian Service Medal (1OLC), Global War on Terror Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Noncommissioned Officer Development Ribbon (2), Overseas Service Ribbon (4), Master Parachutist Badge, Military Free Fall Parachutist Badge, Ranger Tab, Special Forces Tab, Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification Badge, Army Staff Identification Badge, Inter-American Defense Board Medal (Gold Star), Argentine Parachutist Badge, and Honduran Parachutist Badge.

Organization Membership: NCOA - Non-commissioned Officer Association, MOAA - Military Officers Association of America (Lifetime), VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars (Lifetime), AMVETS – American Veterans Association (Lifetime), American Legion, & Founding Sponsor – National Museum of the United States Army.

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