It’s time to eliminate property taxes
Harrisburg, the time has come! Since the 24-24 tie vote in 2015 to eliminate school property taxes through HB76/SB76, Harrisburg has continued to drag its feet.
We, the property owners, continue to pay more and more each year, so why does this “regressive” tax burden continue to stay on the same path? If Harrisburg does not resolve this problem soon, I will use the phrase from Mark Madden, “I’ve got some bad news.” Simply it will never allow the homeowners the peace of mind they deserve.
Why not, Harrisburg? One reason comes to my mind, leadership. All in Harrisburg are aware of the problem, but over the past 20 years several so-called fixes, words like reform and reduce, were tossed around by all, but we the people call it “leadership.” One of the most misleading fixes was the revenues generated by gambling.
In 2004 it was sold to the people by the governor that the revenues generated by gambling would give relief to the school taxes, but never really gave the relief expected. So property owners continue to deal with increases year after year. The sad part of this regressive tax is the school district has the power to take your home.
Whether you lose your job, family members get sick and cannot generate income or senior citizens on fixed income who cannot keep up with those increases. Back in November, we the people were asked by Harrisburg through a voter referendum the question: yes or no to change the constitution to increase the homestead exclusion up to 100 percent elimination. The question has been answered YES, so now it is time for Harrisburg to fix the problem with the antiquated property tax system. The only fix is SB76 to eliminate funding through property taxes for education. The time is “NOW,” Harrisburg, to fix the problem once and for all.
Byron Schnell
Says nothing about ownership. You must have one of those fancy digital constitutions, eh?
Child poverty rate in PA - 31%
Yeah, lets make families with children pay for the schools. It's the perfect solution.
By the way, explain to me how property tax is an “old form” and income and sales tax is apparently “new form”. I think you need to do a little research on history.
Property taxation for school funding was originally started in colonial Massachusetts ~1650 much earlier than income and sales tax (1953 for PA).
Additionally even more of a burden is put on property owners supporting retired teachers/admins (white collar union with public funded pension).
You have some good comments, but have no resolutions to a failing funding system. Do you offer any solutions than to just keep this system?
Income and sales taxes have been around since at least the Roman Empire. Justifying the elimination of property tax because it’s archaic loses its validity when you suggest an equally archaic solution.
If you truly want to help school district expenses, pass a Medicare for all or similar healthcare bill. More often than not, school districts are raising taxes to cover medical costs. Most strikes nowadays are over health insurance premiums. With the aging workforce this will worsen.
I think the senior issue again is the migration from Pennsylvania to other states. But the troubling articles I've read about millennials (college educated) moving out of state is a big tax base problem with this system. Not to mention the low birthrate in the state, ultimately resulting in a stagnant or reduced workforce....less people to share this tax matter the solution.
Millennials will go where the jobs are. I do not buy that these bills will attract businesses because most large companies are already offered reduced or eliminated taxes to move to PA. The increase in EIT will kill small businesses and start ups.
Thanks for the entertainment. Bye.
"The_FACTS" won me over in this debate!
John Adams
It is society's responsibility to fund public education, to it's own benefit!
What should be protested vehemently is our tax dollars being used toward, per diems, healthcare, stipends, bloated salaries and pensions of our Politicians.
House probably paid off, living on fixed income, why not exempt them? Or maybe you are waiting to purchase their house for taxes due?
I have witnessed in Lehighton, a board voting for tax increases in years with a surplus budget, and increases while the district was holding excessive surplus funds.
I have now personally witnessed the lies, deceitful practices, and use of authority to intimidate, harrass and bully individuals, students, and even board members that speak put against the regime.
Thank you for electing me, we can fix it.
My stubborn, rigid principles of a moral government of the people, by the people, for the people are absolute. They were passed to me by those before me. We can do this. Damn the torpedos, send in the rabble rousers.
Citizen David F Bradley Sr.
I wish we could clone you 10 times over.
What is a tax layer? Kin to a Rhodie?
Lehighton Area School District
Director David F. Bradley, Sr.
Personal and Confidential
1000 Union Street
Lehighton, Pa 18235
Official district related correspondences sent to any other location will be rejected.
All district business emails are obtainable through an open records request.
All remaining emails holders signed a document allowing their emails to be monitored by the adminstration, therefore, I would not considered them private.
If you rationally or irrationally fear or perceive there are risks of retaliation against you, your children, or relatives working in the district, I suggest you seek a more private means of communication.
All voices are valued. The PA School Code of our government schools, reference your rights to transparency. Honor the veterans that provided these rights by exercising them. Ensure they remain with us for future generations by sharing the knowledge of your rights with others.
Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.