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Lehighton School District responds to alleged hazing at middle school

Published December 19. 2019 11:34AM


An alleged hazing incident at Lehighton Area Middle School remains under investigation.

Concerned Voices for Lehighton Schools Facebook group posted on Monday: “There has been several incidents at the middle school that are playing out on social media.

“We have been reluctant to address them because we believe in the system. Is the system sometimes wrong? Yes. But overall the staff in our district works very hard for our children.”

The group alluded to the reputed hazing incident.

“Was there a hazing incident? Again we are not directly involved. But the incident involves children and again in the end any discipline will remain confidential (unless the families involved choose to make it public).”

The school district released the following statement late this morning:

"The LASD Administration was forwarded information of an incident that involved several MS (middle school) students. Immediately after the administration was notified, Lehighton School Police were contacted, along the Lehighton Borough Police.

"An internal investigation took place and is continuing to take place in compliance with school policy and procedures. Students' parents have been contacted and notified of this pending investigation. In addition to the investigation taking place within the school, the Lehighton Borough Police are conducting an investigation into the same incident.

"Student confidentiality laws prevent us from disclosing the identities of any students involved or the specified school discipline measures taken. Lehighton Area School District's primary responsibility is to provide a safe and secure environment for all children and we will continue to make a "good faith" effort to assure the safety of all students."

Borough police Chief Brian Biechy said police are not commenting at this time because the investigation is not complete.

He cant comment on a open investigation
So again stop the bull crap
Why dont you create polcies that you think have been broken and try and make them stronger because for you it isnt about being a board member or making these kids safer it's about politics

I am not looking away I am standing right here saying what you are doing isnt about keeping these kids safe it's about being a dictator yourself and the people following you having blind trus in you

You want lawful transparency but wont answer lawful questions so we the citzens can ask questions of both side of this argument

Ask Andrew Yenser, Larry Stern and Rita Spinelli. Immorality blocked our progress on the fronts you mentioned.

We are adding a public complaint process and stronger students right will be next. Since the immorals blocked our community efforts for students rights, we will have to try again. With Andrew off the board, we should have a better chance.

Even from before my time, students were at risk and not properly protected. The district has a history of failures in these areas.

Had the board been interested in the people, and not silencing them, such autrocities could have been prevented completely or greatly reduced. Seldom does such activities orignate as a full blown incidents. Often turmoil grows and escalates. Proper policy can curb the escalation.

Just keep spewing your rants.

The answers will always be: lawful transparency and a government of, by and for the people. The more you write the more often we get to repeat the need for a team of moral public servants. And for that, we thank you.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
Its spewing rants its holding you accountable

You are still doing it making very blanket statements without actually talking about the policies you would change
You have been saying the same thing for months

what student rights would you change or improve
But your not being moral your self so how are you any better then the people you dislike so much
So you want a public complaint process who gets to see these complaints
You and your buddies on the board
Because again every time you make a motion your people only get to be a part of the board there isnt a mix of both so there is transparency
I'll give you a example
The financial committee you tried to make in November

And please you try and silence people
You even said that you will only answer people who agree with you it's on video please watch it

Yes, you are spewing rants. Sad, but, we can work with it.

As for the policy on students rights.
I proposed several times the children in our public schools should have the same rights they have in a public library, public street and public park.

As for the other stuff, this is not the time nor the place. We need to Protect the students and save the community.

Larry Stern, Wayne Wentz, Rita Spinelli and Steve Holland need to resign so the board can become a government of, by and for the people, not what I believe is a government of rubber-stampers that apparently fail to honor their oath of office. The rash of student injuries are just more evidence in my opinion regarding the miss management, and lack of proper goverance in the Lehighton Area School district government board.

Good for you, thanks for speaking up giving us the opportunity to discuss the problems, identify the source and seek reform so we can protect the students and save the community.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
David you havent discussed anything
You continue to make very vague comments
Hoping I stop asking questions which I never will
What polcies in the public libraries would you want to implement in our schools
How do those polcies differ from the schools

Where was this outrage about the violence in our school a month ago 6 months ago 2 years ago
Why dont you recognize you are a part of the problem
You are a bully
Why not be bigger then the violence

You have made it clear you dont care this is about politics to you you only want these people to resign so you can pass your tax agenda
David you are blocking me from getting answers that I want how does that make you any better
What state police barrack did you send this letter too
What psp officer did deliver it to
When did you ask this administration for a meeting
These are all lawfull questions are you trying to mislead the citzens or just down right lie to them
David you are blocking me from getting answers.
- BS, however, I have to ask.
- Who exactly are you?
Constituent? Past board member? Teacher? Staff member?
I find you to be one of those people that fail to tell the whole truth, and innmy opinion in fear of a transparent government.

that I want how does that make you any better
- I have moral character, and work to hold my government officials accountable

What state police barrack did you send this letter too
- None of your business, I am a private Citizen. As a charity, I will tell you. Lehighton barracks

What psp officer did deliver it to
- None of your business, I am a private Citizen. I did get verification that the letter and envelope were properly received, meeting my moral responsibility to protect the students and save the community.

When did you ask this administration for a meeting
- None of your business, because I asked as a private citizen. But, for conversation sake, several times, with the latest being Friday via email to my government officials. Written requests, documented. A copy can be obtained by a RTK, and the responses.
By prepared to fight the district for transparency.

These are all lawfull questions are you trying to mislead the citzens or just down right lie to them

- Again, you are missing the point. Government transparency, private Citizen privacy. Learn the difference.

- Sure. Try doing this with our immoral board, even in a meeting when they are lawfully responsible to answer.
Did you even get a financial report, or did you board let their subordinate business manager fail to present one?

So, when will you change your ways?


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.

PS. I grow bored of your lack of intellectual discussion, yet enjoy the opportunity to repeat myself.
Protect the students and save the community. Larry Stern's wife boss is the Superintendent, Andrew Yenser failed us, and Wayne Wentz should, in my opinion, resign for gross neglect of his duty to honor his oath. Rita is just a mess, a rubber-stamper that apparently fails to oversee the administration she was elected to manage. And for that I thank you.
David you are blocking me from getting answers.
- BS, however, I have to ask.
- Who exactly are you?
Constituent? Past board member? Teacher? Staff member?
I find you to be one of those people that fail to tell the whole truth, and innmy opinion in fear of a transparent government.

that I want how does that make you any better
- I have moral character, and work to hold my government officials accountable

What state police barrack did you send this letter too
- None of your business, I am a private Citizen. As a charity, I will tell you. Lehighton barracks

What psp officer did deliver it to
- None of your business, I am a private Citizen. I did get verification that the letter and envelope were properly received, meeting my moral responsibility to protect the students and save the community.

When did you ask this administration for a meeting
- None of your business, because I asked as a private citizen. But, for conversation sake, several times, with the latest being Friday via email to my government officials. Written requests, documented. A copy can be obtained by a RTK, and the responses.
By prepared to fight the district for transparency.

These are all lawfull questions are you trying to mislead the citzens or just down right lie to them

- Again, you are missing the point. Government transparency, private Citizen privacy. Learn the difference.

- Sure. Try doing this with our immoral board, even in a meeting when they are lawfully responsible to answer.
Did you even get a financial report, or did you board let their subordinate business manager fail to present one?

So, when will you change your ways?


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.

PS. I grow bored of your lack of intellectual discussion, yet enjoy the opportunity to repeat myself.
Protect the students and save the community. Larry Stern's wife boss is the Superintendent, Andrew Yenser failed us, and Wayne Wentz should, in my opinion, resign for gross neglect of his duty to honor his oath. Rita is just a mess, a rubber-stamper that apparently fails to oversee the administration she was elected to manage. And for that I thank you.
David so you get bored of my lack of intellectual conversation
How do you think we feel everytime you repeat the same crap you do

So at the meetings why dont you answer the questions of all the citzens
Are you not a board member there
Dont you have a moral responsibility to support all citzens
Answer all our questions
Why do you feel like you can answer some over others
Where is your morals
Where is your transparency
Am I supposed to follow what you say without out proof

Like I have said numerous times thruout this past weeks
I am not a teacher or related to any one I am just a citzen who is sick and tired of hearing you blame the board and this administration for something without proof without being transparent

You have said numerous times on here and as a board member that you will only answer questions to people who support you
That isnt a leader
That isnt good board member

So tell us what times exactly did you ask for these
A time frame would be nice so when I ask for a rtk I have specific times so I am not wasting the secretary time going thru 1000s of pages of text

What you dont seem to understand is that your a representative of the community at all times
You are david bradley the lehighton school board member at all times
If you wanna make accusations dont be so non transparent when people ask for the information
You want the citzens of this community to follow you blindly I am refusing to do so

When it comes to asking the other board members questions at a meetings I have gotten answers
You on the other hand had to be pushed to get a answer instead of saying it right away
So who is being immoral

Did you send the letter to the board or is something your going to ask questions about while they have no idea what you are talking about

Give me a break david
Giving you a break.
- Break-

Have a nice day. You appear to be so lost, I can not help you. To learnn how our government works, and doesn't work, I can not fix you lack of understanding other than to suggest you enroll in a civics class.

Have a nice day. I have apparently exhausted my ability to help you understand how we are fixing an immoral board. Try engaging Andrew Yenser, David Krause, Bowman, Duesrt, Finnegan or the other past government officials that apparently failed our community by their lack of proper goverance needed to protect the students and save the community.

As a person with nearly unlimited patience, you have reach my charity limit to an individual. A limit I set as a free and independent person, a citizen of these United States.

If you identify yourself, I may consider to extend additional information. But, given your lack of respect to such transparency, I chose to end the conversation. Good for you in trying to learn. Seek your past teachers and complain to them as it appears they they have failed you. Given your lack of basic understanding of how government of, by and for is required for proper goverance, I weep for the future.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
No I understand how this government works
I just hold my elected officials to a higher standard then you seem to wanna reach for
You have been a member of this board for two years and all I have seen is arguments and lack of respect
You have done nothing to improve anything
In this community
You have done nothing but try and undermine the teachers the administrators and the citzens of this community

You have told us nothing about how you would change things and what your plan is moving forward transparency cant be everything

I have done nothing but given you a chance to answer questions and to prove to the citzens of this community that you can be trusted and you can be more transparent then the people you claim arent being transparent no matter if your a citzen or not
You claim to have the answers
You claim to not want this community to follow blindly
You claim to want people not elect rubber stampers
Except if the person they follow is
Except if they are rubber stamping things you want

David you are a hypocrite you had chance after chance to prove what kind of leader you would be

And we have learned exactly what kind of leader you will be

Be transparent
Be truthful
Be better
The kids and this community deserve better

Thank you for you further rants and wild conclusions, false accusations, and placing false light on my statements and opinions. Entertaining.

I firmly believe the teachers and staff should be held accountable for all their actions, and the lack thereof. The tell all letter alleges many areas needing improvements. Once the investigation is complete, those that transparently cooperate will probably be heros and be spared as it appears that is how the State has handled these autrocities in the past. Do you think this is the first time children were harmed in our government's public schools?

I was a teacher. We have extra responsibility. If you are a teach you know this to be true. It appears to me that you are a scared mess, seeking to blame someone. Managers look past human mistakes to the root cause.

Good day to you. I am glad you were not elected to be a public servant, your temperament appears to be poor.

We should all join together and protect the students saving the community. It is easy to do, host a meeting, discuss problems, offer options, chose an action and reevaluate the success of the paths taken, ensuring we are heading to a goal. Basic stuff.

In my opinion, watching this board and the administration 'circle the wagons' again has me disgusted. The teachers that apparently knew things regarding these incidents need to report them to the State Police, immediately.

The lack of communication between student, staff, administration and then the parent and board is very evident. Just look at your ownn
rants seeking more information.

It appears that the lack of lawful transparency has resulted in harmed students. So, yes, lawful transparency is a fix and has been proven to improve governance. Oversight works.

The harmed students will probably sue the district, as it is their right. I hope they call the best attorneys. Several incidents like this have happened in the past, and those attorneys are easily found.

It appears the lack of professionalism and the actions of the rubber stampers, with their blind trust to the administration has exposed the district to additional risk.

Please seek moral peace, and instruct all the teachers you know to speak up and tell the State police everything they know. The house of corrupt cards is folding, and hopefully, with lawful transparency all these issues will be behind Lehighton, the poster child of a miss managed school district that apparently failed to protect the students and save the community.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
David again for two years you have been a part of this board
And not one time have you spoken out about the safety of this children
Not one time have you spoken out how and what
polcies you would like to change or strengthen

You wanna talk about scared
Why dont you answer questions
Why do you hide behind the citzen bull crap
Why do you make extremely vague comments
As I tell my children I can only go by what I hear and see
And what I see is a man that likes to pound the table and doesnt really have any solutions
A man that wants people to have blind trust in him because he knows all
A man who doesnt like to be challenged or asked questions
A man who will keep things from the citzens of this community just so he can pass a motion

And when it comes to lawful transparency you have a opportunity right now to discuss the things on the letter and choose not to
Prove to us it exists
So we can have discussions about how we move forward and change the polcies to better help these kids
I will take a guess if you were straight forward and had a true idea about what to do
I guarantee the people of the board will hear you and work with you
David it's very hard to tell teachers I know to tell the police what they know when
We dont know what was said in that letter
We dont know state police officer to send them to so they could talk about it
Like I said Information helps the community ask questions

But you have said you will answer questions from people who support you
So again here is another opportunity to answer question so people can hold people accountable
Hello Mr. Bradley, I’ve been following this thread and am growing tired of it. However, I notice that you mentioned that you were also employed previously as a teacher. Just wondering when and in what district?
My teaching career was prior to my business management career, and decades ago. However, what I find relevant to share is the experience and understanding related to our need to teach and supervise large groups of children. I find most of the other details moot.

I was responsible to teach children at risk. I earned my teaching or instructor certificate a long time ago under a strict federal government program.

My points were simple. When I worked in the educational industry, we were held, and held each other, accountable to the students with lawful transparency. Commuications were key. Turning a blind eye, or implementing blind trust was not acceptable, especially when student safety, or their progress academically was involved. Our management back then held no power to intimidate or restrict our professional responsibility to protect and educate any student placed before us. On the contrary, the entire school had the attitude that we were there for the students, and all our actions matched those goals.

I seek to bring that understanding to the Lehighton Area School and trust that most of our teachers believe the same. The incident (s) outlined in this article are disgusting, and should never be permitted in a government run school. The breakdown of the basic moral responsibility to protect the students and save the community and show the need for reform in my opinion.

I am lobbying every parent, teacher, staff member and board member to provide lawful transparency so this evil can be rooted out from our government schools.

Whereas I know you may want more details, they are moot and serve no purpose to my political position. I was not teacher of the year, but just a lowly cog that was hired and worked as part of the education machine. Thank you for asking.

The rants of the user named CP has grossly missed the point. We all need to protect the students and save the community. PA School Code gives the stakeholders the authority, and lawful transparency provides the details for the stakeholders to reform their government schools. The directors are just public servants creating and implementing the stakeholder approved policy and once approved that board provides the oversight. The stakeholders lead the show, why else would several reading be required, public meetings and the requirement for the board to provide, 'shall provide' a reasonable opportunity to comment prior to every act of government. The stakeholders elect and oversee the public servants


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
Well first of all I am all for protecting the children
What I am trying to explain to you board member bradley is if you spent more time actually trying to protect the kids then trying to bash the other half of the board you might actually get something done

You talk about transparency again and bullying
Like I have said numerous times that is exactly what you do
And you have proved it over and over

You talk about about the citzens being the boards boss and talk about being able to ask questions
But why do you feel like you can ignore the questions of the citzens or only answer the questions you feel like it
Dont you have responsibility to all citzens and all their questions
Why are you sneaky and try motions without giving all the the details
Why dont you bring a print our of the motions to hand out to people to the rest of the board members
The fact that you think a point is moot isnt your place to say we are the citzens of this community you are our elected official

This goes back to respect and decorum
I ask questions about times and places so you can u understanding that if you ask last minute it might be hard to do
If you ask for information on a Sunday night for a monday meeting you might not get the info you need in time
And honestly the way yo you have disrespected the other board members and the people who work for the school district do you actually believe you can have a working relationship with these people

You say your a business man do you think you can disrespect people and get a positive reaction
You have tried to undermine people
The nurses
You dont litsen or give respect to the people who work with our kids
I have been at meeting where you are going thru your paperwork while the people are talking about the things they do for these kids

Respecting the teachers and administrators and the citzens of this community goes a long way

Dont get me wrong hold them accountable hold all our people accountable
Start with yourself
Just do it in a respectful manner
You are a team and the whole world is watching
Sounds good. Thank you.

If you want a board member response try

I have no respect for evil or those that supporter evil doers. But, that's just me, a man of rigid moral principles.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
So again you're not going to work with people because you think they're evil or support evil-doers do you understand what my point is David you don't respect people but you expect to be respected you are the problem David not anybody else
Good afternoon. You see that is where we differ. You see, in a moral government evil should not have any support.

1) Good does no respect evil or the purveyors of evil
2) Good does not seek respect from evil, nor does it want or expect any.
3) Good does not work with, or comprise with, evil.
4) Good can not be corrupted by evil.

Evil is cast out by good.
The transparent exposure of evil is a corrosive force.

So far good has cast out many from this board, with only four evil ones remaining.

In my opinion, Krause, Duerst, Bowman, Yenser, Finnegan, just to name a few, were all cast out of political office by the forces of good in the community.

Self respect is all the respect one needs to be a public servant.

In my opinion no self respecting person would vote raise taxes with a surplus, vote to raise the budget 10% in one year, or allow the administration to create the budget.

What do you think, should a government borrow millions without a stakeholder referendum? Should generously accept the resignation of a teacher that admitted to sexting students? Should a government allow the community to be silenced? How about hazing? These are all evil things in my opinion.

Sorry, I have no interest in evil, and will fight the spread of evil in our government with lawful transparency.
Join me if you are good, and let's cast out evil from our government.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
Again what is your solution to the tax
Transparency isnt the answer
We have heard that for 2 years
I personally think they did the right thing by building the schools yes it's a hit now I agree but I rather pay what they did now and consolidate teachers principles and other administrators now then five years from now when things are twice as much

I know you don't see it like that
I see my children that are in the old schools bringing water bottles to school during the start of school because it's too hot cuz the air conditioner doesn't
I see a $30,000 heating bill for one school for 1 season
There's three more Elementary centers
I see an outdated buildings then aren't secure and aren't safe for our children
And so much more

Again I know you dont believe that
But that takes me to the question I have ask 25 times What changes would you make

David hazing is bad and they should be held accountable
If found guilty
The teacher plead guilty and was put in jail in 2015 they waited as they should to make sure he was found guilty
You silence the citzens all the time dont be a hypocrite
And when it comes to raising taxes I would pay more in taxes to make sure their was more security at the schools to protect our kids

They had referendum it's called a election
So again you feel like you are better then others and wont work with people you think are evil
You are the problem
You want to be the dictator you want the absolute power you are a hypocrite and you are the problem
But please tell me how evil I am and the supporters of the administration are so bad
Thank you for your input, you should provide your thoughts to your government. The evil immorals will probably listen to you and vote your way.

This LASD board apparently ignored the thousands that begged for a referendum. The use of math, logic and moral judgement should preside over lunacy. On that I trust we agree.

May the voice of the moral people that use logic, math, and chose moral actions and lawful transparency to protect the students and save the community get preference over the idiots and immorals that would propose lunacy.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
Well just because you dont agree dont make it lunacy it just means more people agreed that they didnt need one
Again david you cant keep saying morals and transparency
When you have mislead the citzens
When you havent answered the questions that citzens have brought you
You have admitted to not wanting to work with people because what you perceive is evil

And when asked what you would change you say nothing and have said nothing for two years
EC math didn't add up
Massive debt makes no sense
$2M interest payments are massive
A legacy of debt is immoral
Transparency is a good change, and we are getting closer.
Four more evil immorals left.
Lunacy is extreme foolery, like an immoral board that fails to protect the students and save the community.

Logic being applied removes lunacy, not the number of people in or out of agreement.

Your rants still fail.

If you find my logic, proof and solutions unacceptable, how would using illogical arguments change the mind of a logical person. However, once you see the factual logic, math and benefits of transparency, you too will see the light. I just flipped the switch and help flip this board to moral public servants.

Try again.
This is fun, like watching a snake cross a highway on a blistering hot day. You don't know why it started on a foolish course, or what compels it to continue after it decidedly made a huge mistake. But, all in all, we kinda hope the foolish reptile makes it to the other side without harm, especially the eagle waiting for him to cross.

You are doing a great job. Protect the students and save the community.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
David I ask you questions all the time you refuse to give Answers by what logic am I wrong you said it numerous times you won't work with people but you expect them to blindly trust you and follow you you want to be the dictator you want to dictate what goes on in this community plain and simple

You don't want bullies but you're a bully you want transparency but do you have none

Because I'm going to continue to shine the light on your hypocrisy that's what it comes down to I refuse to allow you to have the final word I refuse to allow you to beat up on people just because they don't agree with you
I want these children to be protected I want these teachers to have all the resources they need I am not going to allow you to make our school district into a voucher system I'm not going to allow you to cut funding and cut taxes and cut things that this community and these children need to get a good education I will not allow you to manipulate the school district
That's what it comes down to you're only using this as an opportunity to make this Administration look bad I will not back down I am not going anywhere you will hear my voice and that is plain and simple
The math doesn't add up you just refuse to do the math it's easier to sit there and yelling and screaming and anger fist than it actually is to lead and actually be a part of the board

The fact that you continue to hide behind this citizen Bradley bullcrap is exactly what drives the other half of this community absolutely insane you are part of this board act like it
The Eagle has landed.

Pa School Code 426 has been activated, transparency is on its way and the immorals can not legally block the stakeholders rights to laful transparency and information needed to protect the students and save the community.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
Well that's great that they're having a meeting a special meeting this should be discussed
I've never once said that it wasn't a good idea you are saying that you have information that could be useful to people to make policies that are in the best interest of the children you are hiding that information
Time will tell. Larry Stern has not made the announcement, yet.

So far, only four formally agreed to meet (Joy, Gail, Rich, Dave) and the code only requires three.

Larry Stern can still fail or refuse to call a special meeting providing lawful transparency. I firmly believe he is morally cornered to protect the students and save the community.

Since 426 says SHALL, does he really have a choice to neglect this responsibility to inform the stakeholders and correct the policy shortfalls? Eager to see a moral majority take control of this immoral board.

Will the immorals resign? Time will tell.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
Well david it really goes back to a simple thing is it a open investigation
If it's a open investigation
What are you really hoping to learn

There are procedures that supersede the school code
For example if there might be charges or trial
Mr stern might not have a choice in the matter if it's a open investigation
He might not be able to release any of the situation if they cops say it cant be released
Every person is innocent till proven guilty
In the court of law
Not in public opinion not on social media but in the court of law and if this discussion may influence the a possible jury that the police and stern and your self have a responsibility to make sure that it stays that way
Lawful transparency protects the students and saves the community.

PA School Code defines what is lawfully required to be transparent in the government's public schools.

Let's just have our government follow the law instead of finding ways to circumvent thw law. We need to fess up and fix it, not circle the wagons and hide the evil actions of our government. The children's safety should be paramount and the staff, administration and board held legally accountable.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
School Code 426 is quite clear.
Larry Stern, President of the board SHALL call a special meeting if asked in writing by three or more board members.

He has received at least three requests from fellow directors.
No announcement from Larry has been received as of this post.

However, about three and a half hours after the first request, Larry sent an email to Cleaver, to have Cleaver ask Schwab to get clarification on this item. That was Monday morning. By about noon the circle was complete, responses received.

Cleaver's email is a must read,
so is Schwab's reply, Monday at 12:04 PM. Some classic puppet mastering appears to be going on here in these emails in my opinion.

The law is clear and Larry, one of the directors, has nearly a decade of experience as a director.
Yet, Larry is asking the board's subordinate, Cleaver, to ask another board subordinate, Schwab, for clarification. The students need protecting and the wagons appear to be circling.

Can you feel the lack of lawful transparency? Will Larry Stern become ill or take a vacation in the near future? Will he neglect or just plain avoid his duty to call a special meeting to protect the students?

Will a special meeting be called to protect the students and save the community? What does the word SHALL mean when written in a law holding directors accountable to the public? Why did Schwab use the Sunshine Code in his response when the PA School Code was referenced in the request, and says SHALL?

Will Larry listen to the people seeking a special meeting to protect the students better prior to their return? Or, will Larry Stern listen to his wife's boss, Superintendent Cleaver, and a Solicitor?

Stakeholders have a front row seat.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
Well no david we dont have a front seat
You have th emails and wont share what exactly what the the concerns of the emails are
Are we supposed to just blindly follow you and what you are saying or are you going to post them on social media so we can see them for ourselves

Concerns, concerns!?
The concerns are we need to oversee our immoral government, root out the evil and protect the students and save the community.

As for the tell all letter, in a board meeting such things can be properly discussed with proper, lawful transparency.

Lobby evil Larry Stern to take.moral action and call a special meeting as the law says he shall do.

Until then, you and every other concerned parent is clueless to the depth of evil that exists in our local government.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.

Well so again by posting information as you do
You want us to blindly believe what you are telling us

Oh ok so you will discuss the letter at the next meeting
Will you answer all the questions that the citzens pose or just ones from people you like

David we know what evil is in our government we watch you all the time
Happy new year.

May we all get a moral government that protects the students and saves the community. And may all the concerned citizens that actually care about the safety of the students unite, exposing the immorality with lawful transparency.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
We do care about the students
We just dont want laws to be broken and lifestyle ruined all for the chase to make a political statement
Has there been answer to if we are having a meeting
Are you going to post the emails so we can all see
That's where I feel you totally miss the point, offering silence as compliance to evil.

Do you feel it is because of the lack of proper goverance and lawful transparency that children have been harmed and lives have been ruined?

The emails were publically shared using lawful transparency with the Times News staff. My email to President Larry Stern, Larry's email to Superintendent Cleaver, and the Superintendent's email to Solicitor Schwab and Schwab's unique response. And the lack of further response from Larry despite the lawful responsibility to call a special meeting to protect the students and save the community. So, be my puppet, do my bidding, and ask them as my pawn.

You speak of accountability, yet you appear to only speak to me. Is that because I am one of the few that actually listen? Or because you value my insights.

Personally, I interact with you, as nameless voice, because I find your logic, morality and rants very unique and quite odd. Interacting with you is much like a lab specimen requiring my analysis. No worries, who could turn away.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
Again you assume I only talk to you
I have done my research I have talked lawyers and police offenses about can and should happen
You only hear from me because you wont follow thru on the things you want others to do for you
Again you might call it silence I call it following the law it's not silence it's the law

When it comes to what happned that day I dont comment on here because I dont know the facts I will wait till it all comes out and make a opinion

So again you wont lawfully share these emails with the citzens of this community
You want to make a spectacle of the school board
As you know now how the sunshine act works so now stop
Dear community,

Good evening. If your Solicitor sent this reply, what advice would you give to your government board?
This was sent to me from the district email server since Schwab failed to properly include all directors in his original email response.

Under the Sunshine Law, when three or more members request a special meeting the President is supposed to call one. If he does not, for whatever reason, such as illness, vacation, etc., then a majority of the Board (five members) may call one. In such event it requires five board members to call it. Three or four cannot. There is no penalty under the code for not calling a special meeting by the President or lack of getting five members to request it, as anything can be brought up at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

William G. Schwab, Esquire

PA School Code 426 clearly states SHALL. For all the communications, on this thread, please send the district a RTK request.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
Well no why would you post only that portion of the text of the email
Why not post the entire email so we can better understand the context of which he might not call for a meeting

Did the other portions of the board agree to a meeting
Why do we need a special meeting if the next regular board meeting is next week and the kids arent in school until then ?

What do you wanna protect the kids from a empty school
How do we know he didnt include everyone in the email are we just to blindly trust you say is true
Concerned parent,

I feel opposition to PA School Code 426 and LASD policy 006, 011 is immoral.

You appear to have a bad case of the naysayers. Your conclusions are unique, as they appear to blindly trust the evil side and challenge the truth regardless of the transparent facts.

What make you think that was not the entire body of the email? It was.
What make you think there is a board meeting next week? Jan 27
Of course managers of a district would want to secure a school, ensure policy is followed before children are sent back to school. Geez.

Blind belief has lead us to a government run school where some students are being harmed and the teachers, staff, administration, and yes the board majority did not prevent it on the past, nor did they host a special meeting to seek stakeholders input, as required by law. (LASD 011).

A petition is brewing, any Director that acts as a public servant would want to give their stakeholders a public forum, so that such issues do not fester. And yet we see a circling of the wagons. Silenced, an immoral board hides form hosting a special meeting to protect the students.

Four of the nine polled said a special meeting was needed and lawfully required, shall be called. Five did not respond at all to the formal request to host a meeting and allow the public to professionally engage their government. And Larry Stern didn't call a meeting, he went running to his spouse's boss for guidance.

Guess which four said yes and guess which five failed to respond.

The best part of conversing with you is watching the apparent overwhelming support you have for people proven time and time again to fail the most basic character tests related to being a public servant. And, your avid distrust for those proving time and time again to be honest and trustworthy public servants. Whereas it is fun to keep proving these people as immoral, it is also kinda sad, as they are a controlling interest in the safety, or lack thereof, found in our district schools.

Yes students were harmed enough to not only to cause the LASD police but the Borough police to investigate.
Yes parents are concerned enough about the middle school management to start a petition.
Yes the board is responibile to ensure due process is properly provided.
Yes the wagons of a public government agency appear to me to be circled in protection of the staff more than the protection students.
Yes Larry Stern's spouse works for the district and his spouse's highest superior is the Superintendent.
Yes Larry Stern wrote the Superintendent to seek rhe Solicitor once a special meeting was requested.
Yes I feel many board members are immoral.
Yes the students harmed were on school grounds.
Yes many board members have family and friends working at the district.

A special meeting to ensure the policies are adhered, and provide a voice to the stakeholders should not be a big deal. Especially, when we learned from the Superintendent that the police are involved. Students were harmed in our public schools. .

I feel opposition to PA School Code 426 and LASD policy 006, 011 is immoral.


Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.
David I dont support any side in either way I want the truth not your truth not their truth the truth
You like to assume a lot
I want you to represent us the citzens in a way that allows things to get done

The president has a right to ask questions of council before making a decsion
This is hard
I want you to stop being a hypocrite
I want you to be the most transparent board member there is
I want you to stop using blind trust until you follow thru with these things
I want you to stop saying there are people who have family who work their
When your child doesnt go to the school
Larry Stern's wife, Anita Stern, works for the district.
Wayne Wentz has relatives that work for the district.
Steve Holland used to be a District employee.
Rita Spinelli apparently blindly supports the administration. When a list of all the familial relations were requested, it was not provided even to a board member.
Only some board members are invited to the personnel committee meetings, negotiation committee meetings.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
David why do you think you're not invited Cheetos board meetings that board member that you're talkin about that didn't get the list was you
I have repeated myself 10 times you want respect but you give no respect then you wonder why you
get nowhere have there been things in your past that may be a reason why you're not included in these conversations maybe just maybe
David did you not in the November MTG try to set up a committee that only had your people on it
Is that not completely hypocritical to complain about it not being fair that you're not involved in these conversations but try to pass a motion to do exactly the same thing
You appear to flip flop a lot, rant about me and my transparency, and seek information from me as a source, only to challenge my reply. Kinda silly, but you like to post, and I like to educate those in the dark.

If you were not such a great zealot, I would have no use of you.

Now it is once again my turn.
As for your request let me remind you:
Larry's wife, Anita Stern, works for the district, Superintendent Cleaver is the biggest boss in the district, yet subordinate to the board in almost everyway. Andrew Yenser failed in my opinion as a treasurer, I am glad the people will not have to suffer from his version of oversight anymore. The district failed to protect the students.
Larry, Unky Wayne, Rita and Steve Holland should all resign as immoral board members that failed to protect the students and honor their oath.

Students were harmed in the government's public schools. That is unacceptable to me.

Some of the directors failed to call a special meeting to inform the stakeholders with lawful transparency and protect the students.

So, no, I do not find you, or any of your cronies as useful other than as a tit for tat retort. Any of the teachers you say you know should fess up if they knew anything about these incidents. Until this board knows the lawful transparency of the incident, I will not hold any staff members in high esteem. I am disgusted that these incidents occured, multi times, under the government's nose, and the Dec 4 email was the first the board was informed. Every staff members is to act in protection of the students, all the students, but specifically the victims. It is a responsibility of every staff members to do so. Yet, not one staff member to my knowledge created a written complaint to the board?

How some of them can look at themselves in the mirror is beyond me.

Personally, all I know about you,
(CP), is what you write here, and I find you disgusting. It sickens me to hear blind trusting zealots, but I endure.

I have a thick skin and broad shoulders. I say stop beating around the bush. These rants of yours are near endless. Yet you never publically asked Larry Stern why he won't follow the law and call a special meeting to protect the students. Go ahead post it here.

Until then, I find your endless conversations merely as more proof to my thesis. That given all the documented details and proof, a zealot will fight for the evil they know. Rather than become a civic minded person, even in the support the protection of children, they appear to argue, over and over again. Even when we echo the same answer, and prove a logical point.

Touche to Corey, Tim and Sue who were wrong along. My theory was proven right once again. The power of social relationships transcend facts and the idea that nice people do evil things will be permitted, as people typically avoid personal conflict.
To that the point, people will argue with a righteous man they never met, yet never ask their evil friend that they have known for years, "What were you thinking when you acted as our government and ...".

Thanks for being a test subject.


Citizen David F. Bradley, Sr.
I don't know what you're spouting now but when you come out and show things then you are being exactly the type of person that you want from people that I want from my board I've gone to this Administration and ask questions I have gotten answers I want to police officers God answers I've gotten replies from one side like I said before I'd like to have all sides and all opinion so we can make it valid educated decision but you continued to only show the side you want to see I want to see the entire picture you have no problems typing on social media and making videos on social media about things until you get called out on the facts then all of a sudden you don't want to reply you don't want to talk about it

When it comes to trying to protect the children and protect the person that was hurt in this situation I agree with you we need to discuss it but there are just times and places to have that discussion
There just might not be the right time at this point to have this discussion as much as the victim has right so does the person who may or may have done nothing wrong like it or not you're not going to have a trial over social media
The fact that you continue to think that I have anything to do with the school or teachers or anybody else is completely asinine
I'm just a concerned citizen with kids in the school district
I want the best schools the best education I want the most transparent board in this country and that's what I put for when it comes to you transparency respect and understanding
I only stay here and continue to talk to you because one day you understand what I'm trying to say and what most of this community wants
But the crazy thing is I have not said that they've done anything wrong or they've done anything great you're just making an assumption I just want both sides most people want both sides so they can make an honest decision and once you get that through your head up be great

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