Sunday school activities
LEFT: Kyrra Strawser, Paige Harleman and Blayr Strawser make cards for shut-ins during Sunday school at Zion United Church of Christ in Lehighton.
RIGHT: Paige Harleman looks through a kaleidoscope during Sunday school at Zion United Church of Christ in Lehighton. The Sunday School and Confirmation classes of Zion United Church of Christ in Lehighton worked together to kick off the One Great Hour Of Sharing Campaign. They learned about taking “broken pieces” and turning them into beauty. The teachers demonstrated how the kaleidoscope’s beauty comes from broken pieces. The youth also made heart mosaic cards for Zion’s shut-ins. The Sunday school classes are at 9 a.m., between the 8:15 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. services. CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS