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Vacation Bible School, 2019

Published July 23. 2019 12:21PM

Submit your Vacation Bible School information to

• Slatington Baptist Church, 509 Main St., is presenting “Roar” because sometimes life is wild, but God is always good! July 21-25 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Registration begins at 6 p.m. on July 21, and we will end with a closing program at 8 p.m. July 25. We have classes for all ages, preschool to adults. Come enjoy Bible stories, songs, crafts, games and snacks. For more information, please call 610-767-6276.

• Dinkey Memorial Evangelical Lutheran Church (Ashfield, Lehighton Area School District) will hold its VBS from 6-8:30 p.m. July 22-24. Call 610-377-4242 for information.

• Effort UMC will hold its Vacation Bible School from July 22-26 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Registration forms are on the Welcome Center in the main church entrance.

• Lighthouse Baptist of Lehighton, 1349 Green St. (Franklin Township), July 31-Aug. 4, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Wednesday to Saturday, 10 a.m. Sunday. Zoom in! Focus on Jesus! Grab your camera and get ready for wild encounters! Join us for In the Wild 2019! For grades K5 to sixth grades. Includes games, snacks, crafts, prizes and Bible stories. Transportation is available.

• St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Old Stage Road, Albrightsville, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Aug. 5-9, presents “ROAR Life is Wild, God is Good” for ages 4 through fifth grade. Come for new friends, amazing experiments, creative games, fun snacks, surprising adventures and incredible music. For more information, call Sara at 570-325-3340.

• Trinity Lutheran Church, 175 S. Third St., 6:30-8:30 p.m. Aug. 5-9. The theme is “Who’s Your Neighbor? Learning to Love Like Jesus.” Free registration for children ages 3 through sixth grade. For more information or to register, call 610-377-4303 or email Teen and adult volunteers are welcome.

• Bethany Wesleyan Church Lehighton, 10 a.m. to noon Aug. 7-9 in the Lehighton Grove and Rec Center. 610-767-1239.

A theatrical plea for your attention:

I knew an old town
That swallowed a lie
I don't know why
They swallowed the lie

I guess they will cry

I knew an old town
That floated a bond
They floated the bond
To fix the lie
I don't know why
They swallowed that lie

I know they will cry

I know and old town
That built a new school 
They thought it be cool to build a new school.

They built a new school
To consume the funds
They borrowed the funds to
Cover the lie
The created a lie I don't know why, but this town has begun to cry.

Debt piled high to cover the lie,  

Upon our children and upto the sky.

This board keeps spending without a clue, the predictions of pain all came true.

Thank you for reading this far. Theatrics garner attention and sometimes we all need a good poem to open the conversations.

They started with a lie, and hid the truth. Transparency is coming, but slowly as they are blaming me and the other guy. I created a balanced budget with a slight tax decrease, it meets all the State requirements for this government be solvent. 

Now, for the blunt truth. If we look at the district as a government of, by and for the people, we can meet the educational requirements without going insolvent. The path they are on is riddled with despair. A government can't actually go bankrupt, since they have taxpayers to pay for all their mistakes. The bond documents show these rubber-stampers were fools with our money. They pledged the full taxing authority of the government to the bond holders. The interest rates are escalating and the PSERS are crushing most about every district.

Purveyors of a peaceful reform we ask for their apology and resignation.
Let the wiser heads transparently make decisions with community oversight and approval. Together we can reform this back to a government of, by and for the people again. Rigid principles, and moral guidelines can navigate us to a sustainable community.  The system is set up that the taxpayers control the board, the board controls the administration and the administration handles the day to day. 

We have a real budget, with a slight tax decrease, but can not move forward while the government is controlled by these rubber stampers. The five that make up government gave their blind trust to the administration. They are blocking reforms with their block votes. Evil or stupid, the facts are the facts. And I say evil since we warned them repeatedly with facts upon facts. 

Talk to your neighbors, talk to your friends. Unsustainable consumption is a hard for the corrupt to correct. However, it is easy for those with character willing to serve the public. 

Contact me at
I welcome your input.


Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.

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