Behavior should not be allowed
So, I sit here reading the front page of today’s paper about Lehighton’s homecoming dance and how students feel their rights are being taken away, and about the music. Well let me say, as a parent of a 15-year-old freshman, I found it horrible and sick to my stomach when she came home along with friends and they told me how there was a big circle on the dance floor and students were all grinding up on each other! And vulgar words from the music were NOT bleeped out.
Boys and girls making out in front of all the students. I mean really! I was so mad I could have spit fire! Adults don’t even act like that at a party. Barrooms that hire DJs bleep out the vulgar gestures. But kids in high school think it’s OK because they’re more mature? OK! I think not. This is exactly why kids are the way they are today! Years ago schools never would have allowed such behavior. I’m very embarrassed Lehighton school let this happen. There are kids out there that have morals!
Nikki Heckman
Years ago teachers would have been appalled by crude rude behavior. These days, some teachers participate in such, and receive praise. Not all... some.
Relativity, no more absolutes, teachers?
Having seven grown children, I have plenty to cite, I'm just not feeling compelled to prove anything to you anymore. There're are teachers out there who know what I speak of.
Kids today are confronted with much worse issues than grinding and bad words. I graduating in the 80's and there was plenty of making out in public and even bad words at dances. Nothing new here.
Happy Day of Thanksgiving to all, from a "Puritan" in Spirit.
This is yet another instance of someone putting out incorrect info. The teen pregnancy rates in the 60's and 70's were almost double what they are fact teen pregnancy is at its all time low right now. Furthermore, in the early 70's the average age that a woman was when having her first child was 21. Today it is 31. So your contention that these kids today are being raised by kids, or engaging in more immoral behavior than when you were a kid is just false.
Teen pregnancy has dropped, because our government educators have embraced the ways of Planned Parenthood. Tech the children about condoms, and convince them that abortion (murder) is just fine... it's the new norm. Just consider if you will, the impact the act of aborting a baby has had on woman's mental well being. Just a thought.
Bump, grind, and have sex any way you wish... it's a new America! Like what you see?
Students struggling with mental health issues have increased, it is crucial that teachers—the adults with whom students spend most of their day—are able to utilize methods to effectively identify and/or address the mental health needs of their students. But first, the teacher needs to be on solid ground. The Master needs to be absolute in truth and measure... are they?
Liking what you see folks? Is this truly what we want?
Maybe planned parenthood is working?
The way we do education has changed. It is no longer being controlled locally.
Federal regulation, federal funding, promises of free college, increase in cost and a general dumbing down of the curriculum in order that tests can be passed has destroyed what’s left of quality education.
Add to that, disfunctional families, and America is in trouble.
But hey, let the kids to their own devices, keep pumping $$$ in to it... it's all just fine.
One big "F-ing" mess. I learned that from a teacher.
We partied plenty, ran from police busting the parties, etc etc.
I appreciate the way you personalized the point. As for me...
I also like that your view isn't one of a sexist nature.
These things must be discussed in civility, after all, the nation is at stake. As one who embraces science, I constantly go to sustainability and birth rate when discussing abortion. From the moral side, I look at society, and our ability to respect others, even throwing of selfish ambitions to help maintain civility for all.
(mostly ignorant men)
Your post is very informing, thanks for the enlightenment.
Don’t be surprised when teens are sexually inclined, it’s in our inborn nature.
If anybody deserves blame it’s the adults overseeing the events...
...and, the adults who are charged with raising these young ones (parents).