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Carbon opts not to reopen budget

Published January 08. 2020 01:16PM

A motion to reopen the 2020 Carbon County budget failed after two of the three commissioners felt it was better to look ahead, rather than look behind.

Newly elected Commissioner Chris Lukasevich made the motion to reopen the budget to allow the new board to review and reconsider the figures. Commissioners Wayne Nothstein, who voted for the budget during his last term, and Rocky Ahner voted against the motion.

Ahner said he feels that the board should look ahead and see where the county can go.

“Our job is to work on the current adopted budget,” Ahner said. “Looking back, I don’t think you’re going to move to the future and there are really no numbers here on what we’re going to save. We should be working on administrating the current budget. If we go backward, it’s going to cost more money for us and are we actually going to save any money?

“My opinion is if we look at this budget and administrate it all the way through and work on the 2021 budget, we can have programs for people and we already do have rebates for them so maybe can enhance them. ... I think it would be better to work with what we got.”

Nothstein echoed Ahner’s thoughts, calling the 2020 budget, which includes a 2-mill increase, a “bare minimum budget.”

“I appreciate this board looking at the budget getting used to looking into all the offices and see what’s going on, but I feel we have a bare minimum budget,” he said. “No one wants to raise taxes but we are mandated by law to provide all kinds of services.

“I agree with what you said this morning,” Nothstein said to Lukasevich. “We need to give the employees and people the tools and training to do their job but it comes at a cost. We have to be cautious. ... I just feel it’s not a good time to do it. We can certainly address it at the end of the year.”

The motion was one of 27 Lukasevich made on the first day of his new job.

Many of the motions he made died for lack of a second, four were defeated 2-1 and six passed 3-0.

Motions that passed:

• Looking into a grant writer.

• The director of Veterans Affairs completing an assessment of veteran services to increase effectiveness.

• Beginning in 2021, all individual salary increase requests will include the most recent annual performance report.

• Beginning in 2021, all noncounty entities receiving funds from the county will provide an overview on the methods of the supported programs.

• Upload all approved minutes from various county public meetings to the county website no later than 48 hours after approval.

• The commissioners reassess the county’s liabilities associated with its position as the guarantor for liabilities associated with the former Gnaden Huetten and Palmerton Hospital, which are now owned by St. Luke’s University Health Network.

Video link for Commissioners’ Meeting.

Complete list of motions:

I move that, effective immediately, an invitation for, and period of “Are there any comments or questions, to include from the floor?” follow any seconded motion and that County Policy #2012-01, is so amended.

I move that, the Carbon County Board of Commissioners, reopens the December 12, 2019 adopted Year 2020 Carbon County Budgets for review and reconsideration by the newly seated board.

I move that, the Chief Assessor, Tax Assessment in coordination with the Director, Tax Claim Bureau and solicitor, within 90 days, assesses the viability of an annually increasing .25 mill/year county property tax rebate for homeowners 66 and older who have paid county property taxes for a minimum of 10 years, currently own a home as their primary residence in Carbon County, and meet to be determined maximum income requirements. Note: A .50 mill/year for widows and widowers would apply.

I move that, the Carbon County Board of Commissioners, within 180 days, assesses the viability of the leasing or sale of Packerton Yards for development as a solar energy park to create an energy offset/credit for county’s electrical costs, a fee-based parking and rail shuttle service, or other economic development project that is aligned with the Carbon County Comprehensive Plan.

I move that, the Carbon County Board of Commissioners, suspends for a minimum of 90 days, all further actions associated with the conveyance of 26 acres of Packerton Yards to the Borough of Lehighton so that the newly seated Board of Commissioners can review the transfer and interests of all parties.

I move that, the Carbon County Board of Commissioners suspends for a minimum of 90 days, all financial, contractual, or construction activity on the Emergency Operations Training Center so that the newly seated Carbon County Board of Commissioners can assess the project’s scope.

I move that, the Carbon County Board of Commissioners suspends for a minimum of 90 days, all further financial, contractual, or construction action on the nascent renovation project at 44 Susquehanna Street aka Old Maintenance and Archives Building so that the newly seated Carbon County Board of Commissioners can assess the project’s scope and future disposition

I move that, the Carbon County Board of Commissioners establishes a working group to develop a concept for a recurring Bi-Annual State of the County Report, commencing with January 2021, that is inclusive of all county funded departments and offices.

I move that, the Carbon County Board of Commissioners, develops a policy of invitation that formally requests municipality elected officials to attend and present annual State of the Municipality updates to the Board of Commissioners during its weekly public meetings.

I move that, the Carbon County Board of Commissioners, in consultation with all relevant stakeholders, reevaluates the terms of ACT 18/Hotel Occupancy Tax contract between the Pocono Mountain Visitors Bureau, Carbon County Chamber and Economic Development Corporation (Official County Tourism Promotion Agency), and the Government of Carbon County.

I move that, the Director, Elections, within 14 days, publicly reports on the background, shortcomings, deficiencies, and intended corrective actions associated with the execution of the 6 November 2019 General Election in addition to the impact and compliance plan for Pennsylvania’s Act 17 of 2019 (Election Reform).

I move that, the Director, Elections, at a minimum, conducts annual electronic voting familiarization orientations with county high school students and at county senior centers.

I move that, the Director, Human Resources, within 60 day and in consultation with employee unions, the Court Administrator, row officers, and department directors provide options for an Organization and Workplace Climate Survey.

I move that, the Director, Human Resources, within 90 days reports to the Board of Commissioners on the potential necessity and feasibility of contracting a part-time salaried and/or commission-based grant writer.

I move that, the Director, Human Resources, commences a competitive selection process no later than1 April 2020 for the position of County Solicitor.

I move that, beginning with the fiscal year 2021 budget, all departments and offices requesting funding from the Board of Commissioners will submit methods and measures of effectiveness.

I move that, the Director, Information Technology, within 30 days, develops courses of actions for phased-in live streaming, recording, and posting to the county website and social media platforms all county public meetings to include, but not limited to Board of Commissioners, Elections, Salary, Retirement, Planning, Railroad, and Prison Board.

I move that, the Director, Mauch Chunk Lake Park, within 60 days, develops a concept for establishment of a Mauch Chunk Lake Park Advisory Committee with the purpose of enhancing policies and procedures that enhances county resident accessibility, use, safety, and park operations.

I move that, the Parking Coordinator, within 45 days, develops a plan for consideration that provides free/validated parking in the county parking lot for county residents attending any county public meeting or otherwise conducting business with county offices or departments within Jim Thorpe.
I move that, the Director, Veteran’s Affairs, within 180 days, assesses veteran services to determine potential actions, processes, and resources needed to expedite case processing and increase effectiveness of county facilitated and managed veteran services.

I move that, commencing with the fiscal year 2021 budget process, all individual salary increase requests will include the most recent annual performance report of the employee.

I move that, commencing with the Fiscal Year 2021 Carbon County Budget, all non-county entities receiving funds from county taxpayers, will provide an overview on the methods and measures of effectiveness of supported programs.

I move that, no later than 31 January 2020, a multi-departmental/row office-working group be established to assess the elimination of Carbon County government’s 23 P.O. Boxes at the U.S. Post Office, Jim Thorpe.

I move that, meeting agendas for all county public meetings to include but not limited to the Board of Commissioners, Elections, Salary, Retirement, Planning, Railroad, Prison Board are made available to the public, to include on the county website, a minimum of 24 hours prior to meeting dates and times.

I move that, approved minutes of all county public meetings to include, but not limited to Board of Commissioners, Elections, Salary, Retirement, Planning, Railroad, and Prison Board are made available on the county website no later than 48 hours or 2 business days after approval.

I move that, effectively immediately, the “Public Comment” period, of all county public meetings to include, but not limited to Board of Commissioners, Elections, Salary, Retirement, Planning, Railroad, and Prison Board is renamed “Public Comment and Question” with the purposes of increasing transparency, accountability, and interaction between county residents and county commissioners.

I move that, the Carbon County Board of Commissioners, within 180 days, reassesses its liability and takes actions to eliminate its liability as it pertains to its position as a guarantor for liabilities associated with the former Gnaden Huetten and Palmerton Hospital which are now owned by St. Luke’s University Health Network.

All good motions made by Chris Lukasevich. Too bad only six made it. Here we go again.
Agreed Jerry Hoard - Nothing here seems unreasonable. Lukasevich is doing what we elected him to do. Carbon County is a great place to live and Chris L. looks to be trying to make the county a little more transparent. What's wrong with that? Please keep up the good work Lukasevich. Any organization can fall victim to bad decisions. Lets make sure we always make good ones. Transparency is good

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