When telling truth is politically incorrect
Once upon a time, telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth was considered an admirable trait. Today, to be that blunt can be a liability that is likely to bring instant criticism and harsh social media attacks.
To counter this possible reprisal, we hold back, pull our punches, measure our words.
Last month, Bethlehem Area Superintendent of Schools Joseph Roy, a plain-speaking kind of guy who was named “Superintendent of the Year” in Pennsylvania in 2016, was commenting on why he believed parents send their children to charter schools. Here is what he said, which caused immediate backlash, even a call for his resignation by a board president of a neighboring district.
“The honest fact is, not all, but some parents send their kids from urban districts to charters to avoid having their kids be with kids coming from poverty or kids with skin that doesn’t look like theirs,” Roy said. “That’s a fact.”
Understand that Roy also mentioned other reasons, too — longer school days, specific academic programs, bus transportation and dress codes.
But it was his inclusion of race among the reasons that angered charter school proponents, including parents of charter school students in his own district, and Shamim Pakzad, president of the Saucon Valley School Board, who called on Roy to resign or be censured.
Roy has refused to apologize for telling the truth, and Bethlehem School Board President Michael Faccinetto and the rest of the board support Roy and wrote a letter to the neighboring district’s board.
“Let me be crystal clear: This board — all nine publicly elected members — support Dr. Roy and echo his comments,” Faccinetto said. “We will not back down in the fight for charter reform, and we will not ask Dr. Roy to back down or be silenced because a few unelected lobbyists disagree with the facts.
Faccinetto said of Pakzad, “He has no right to use his access to the dais to attack another superintendent.”
Just as with many area districts, Bethlehem’s charter school bill has been growing dramatically. More than 2,000 Bethlehem district students attend these schools, and this costs the district’s taxpayers $30 million annually.
Saying he personally knows of families who send their children to charter schools for this reason, Faccinetto said when an uncomfortable topic such as this is raised and hits home, there is angry reaction.
Joining the opposition to Roy’s comments was the Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools, which characterized Roy’s statement as “malicious, defamatory and false.”
But a study by Steven Glazerman and Dallas Dotter of Mathematics Policy Research confirms Roy’s assertion. The researchers tested a number of factors as to why parents choose schools, including proximity, test scores, after-school activities, uniform policies, class size, crime and the racial and socio-economic makeup of the student body.
They found that just three of these categories were major factors in choices. Parents preferred high test scores, schools closer to home and schools where their own child would be alongside more peers of his or her race and class.
White and higher-income applicants had the strongest preferences for their children to remain in their own predominantly white group, while black elementary school parents were essentially “indifferent” to a school’s racial makeup, the researchers found. The findings for Hispanic elementary and middle school parents were not statistically significant, they said.
Roy has been a frequent critic of how charter schools are funded and how badly needed taxpayer dollars are funneled to these alternate schools at the expense of public schools throughout the Commonwealth. He has joined Gov. Tom Wolf in calling for a revamping of the charter school system.
As for Roy “telling it like it is” on this topic, a recent survey by the More in Common international initiative found that a large majority of Americans, even young ones, are sick and tired of the trend in political correctness.
By Bruce Frassinelli | tneditor@tnonline.com
Busing, Personnel Safety, desegregation & above all of them.........DIVERSITY!
#Diversity SUXs, build the Wall & build the Pipeline with Windmills to run the electrical pumps.
You forgot a word, "Sustainable"
These government school elites are more accepting of a teacher dropping "F" bombs in class, than they are a taxpayer supporting "Charter Schools" at the podium of a School Board Meeting.
The bullies who run the government training camps (AKA Public Schools) hate competition. Charter schools threaten them with competition, and, charters "Steal" away precious funding. It's just not "Sustainable".
No sense wasting my time with you, as, you stated in a post recently... "I stopped reading your post..."
You are like the other progressive/lib "Joe", who only reads to respond, not to gain insight.
I'll just say this. The government does not belong in education at all. Brown Coats?
I don't read to respond, I try to understand, ask questions and provide a reasoned response. You name call!! Please
How does that cost the taxpayer more?
Any added costs aren't due to the Charter School, they result from rigid structuring of S Districts, that prevent districts from reducing costs as students leave. Who and what creates that problem?
Districts build new stadiums, buildings, and hire permanent teachers, and when enrollment drops
for any reason, not just competition, the District can't afford what they forced upon the taxpayer.
You wouldn't run a business like that.
Look up the definition of "economies of scale", its about as basic of a finance concept you could have. I’m not pointing this out to Shane you for not having an understanding of this concept, I’m pointing it out to demonstrate this isn’t me pulling something out of thin air. Many people not exposed to finance in an organization don’t understand this so I’m happy to try to explain.
National Academics found that kids in White and Affluent Schools felt high rates of anxiety, and there was more cheating and bullying.
The Trump Presidency has stoked fear and division. He exploits peoples prejudices and racist attitudes. His words enable hate for the "others." Right Wing Radio and TV promotes their prejudices daily.
"If you can convince the lowest White Man, he's better than the highest Colored Man, he won't even notice a Con Man".
Lyndon B. Johnson - 36th President of the United States.
Not sure I understand the LBJ quote, but he was a bigot, racist, and garnered no respect for woman.
LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act on July 2nd 1964.
The 14th Amendment.
Martin Luther King Jr. was at the signing.
He was so bad that he did not run for president a second time knowing he was a failure.
That is by his own actions and admission.
He signed the Civil Rights act purely to get more votes and it back fired on him.
Kept the Vietnam war going killing our people for his political gain which failed him.
Oh, lets not forget his Diversity signature program:
"affirmative action"
Reverse discrimination became an issue, epitomized by the famous Bakke case in 1978. Allan Bakke, a white male, had been rejected two years in a row by a medical school that had accepted less qualified minority applicants-the school had a separate admissions policy for minorities.............
Just who would rather have doing surgery on you>? A Diverse person?
#Diversity SUXs, build the Wall, build the pipeline & windmills too
Since LBJ was a man of few morals, his embrace of civil rights were likely, not based on morality.
While I agree with Churchill, “history is written by the victors,”
I must warn that since the days of LBJ, our history has been taught by progressives.
I have finally found something that Obama said, that I agree with...
(about LBJ) "During his first 20 years in Congress," Obama said, "he opposed every civil rights bill that came up for a vote, once calling the push for federal legislation a farce and a shame."
It's been reported by many, how the "n" word rolled off LBJ's lips.
But the blood on his hands in the VietNam war should always remain, and be a permanent staining in the "History" of our Great Nation.
The highly educated get it wrong all too often. Perhaps this is why the progressives want to stop teaching our next generation from writing, or reading cursive. Thank about that!
End of my comments.
I pray that the truth is revealed.
Open for comments.
LBJ, was a beer-swilling, blunt-speaking Texan, who didn’t shy from using what today we refer to as The N Word.
One sentence often attributed to LBJ, which has gained great fame on the internet, is this: "I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for 200 years."
ie Sustainable Votes.....................
This line is often trotted out to allege that the civil rights legislation LBJ pushed and ultimately signed was motivated not by altruism but a cynical ploy to lock up votes.
he had a lot of my good friends die because of his arrogance.
#Diversity SUXs, build the Wall & build the PipeLines
Truth be told...
You truly are a racist.
Let me say regarding truth, and fairness, and being a well informed impartial person.....I sure as heck wouldn't want you on a Jury. Call me a Racist all you want, like I told you before I don't let what others say Define me. Preach to your kids.
What do you think of the Market hitting a new high the same day Pelosi delivers the articles.
How about today's housing market report?
What do you think of the healthcare change, to where the cost of the services must be posted.
This will promote competition!
The affordable care act was anything but affordable.