Thank you for fighting... Thank you for fighting... ...
Dear Editor,
Better solutions for Truancy... Better solutions for Truancy... ...
A Berks County woman who was ordered to serve a two-day prison term because she failed to pay $2,000 for truancy fines died from medical causes dur
Raising Kane... Raising Kane... ...
Nearly 3½ months after former state Attorney General Kathleen Kane resigned, a House subcommittee has issued a report that she misbehaved in office
Porngate - a whitewash hogwash... Porngate - a whitewash hogwash... ...
After months of anguish and about $400,000 later, the much-anticipated Porngate investigation has come to an end with a thud rather than a bang.
More to Gen. Mattis than tough nickname... More to Gen. Mattis than tough nickname... ...
Of the cabinet appointments nominated so far, Gen.
Property tax elimination... Property tax elimination... ...
This is in response to an article by Bruce Frassinelli onNov. 1. It's about the state GOP making the road bumpier for Wolf.
Beware of consequences... Beware of consequences... ...
I am 83 years old. As a youngster when I went to the movies I saw Adolf Hitler giving speeches on the news.
Bring back the 1950s diner... Bring back the 1950s diner... ...
Dear Editor,
It's time to give it a rest... It's time to give it a rest... ...
We're still scratching our heads trying to figure out why third-party candidate Jill Stein is pushing for a recount in three battleground states.
Palmerton Bombers are No. 1 in spirit Team earns a... Palmerton Bombers are No. 1 in spirit Team earns a... ...
Palmerton High School's football team may have had a so-so season in the won-loss column; it wound up ranked 212th in the state and 5,073rd in the
Small businesses are the backbone... Small businesses are the backbone... ...
Last weekend, while Americans were recovering from their Thanksgiving feasting, the nation's retailers were having their Super Bowl.
Embrace the constitution... Embrace the constitution... ...
Dear Editor,
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