NFL player Antonio Brown turns himself in at Flori... NFL player Antonio Brown turns himself in at Flori... ... 0
911 center workers lose jobs after sharing New Yea... 911 center workers lose jobs after sharing New Yea... ... 0
DEP issues Code Orange air quality alert for LV... DEP issues Code Orange air quality alert for LV... ... 0
Weather advisory: Freezing rain tonight into Satur... Weather advisory: Freezing rain tonight into Satur... ... 0
American flag flies again at Towamensing fire comp... American flag flies again at Towamensing fire comp... ... 0
Former state lawmaker pleads guilty to stealing fr... Former state lawmaker pleads guilty to stealing fr... ... 0
Marshals arrest Chestnuthill shooting suspect in t... Marshals arrest Chestnuthill shooting suspect in t... ... 0
Walnutport gets $300K for new vacuum street sweepe... Walnutport gets $300K for new vacuum street sweepe... ... 0
Funding plan for Pennsylvania State Police falls far short 0 We have been strong supporters of Gov. Tom Wolf’s past efforts to fund state police while discouraging municipalities from relying...
In celebration of Sunshine Week 0 Most of us prefer sunshine. It’s rare to hear someone say, “That was a nice, cloudy day.” We’re invigorated by...
Something has to be done 0 No. 1 question: What’s wrong with the Carbon County commissioners? Why are they not interested in getting business into the...
Consider the consequences 0 As the local schools grovel for money for their athletic facilities from the incoming hospitals, I hope they consider the...
Only one 0 Only one presidential candidate has demonstrated consistent integrity through the years. Only one candidate cannot be bought.Jerry HoareJim Thorpe
A look back: March 16, 1992 0 Promising an exciting and enthusiastic year ahead, officials in Carbon County gathered Saturday afternoon in Courtroom No. 1 of the...
A look back: March 14, 1974 0 Frank E. Wehr of Summit Hill was officially named administrator of the Coaldale State General Hospital after having been the...
A look back: March 13, 1976 0 The Tamaqua Area Chamber of Commerce welcomed a new doctor to set up practice at the medical building in Hometown,...
A look back: March 12, 1977 0 The Panther Valley Chapter of UNICO seated new officers at its regular meeting held in the American Hotel, Jim Thorpe....
A look back: March 11, 1980 0 Joseph A. “Buck” O’Donnell, whose community involvement spans three generations, has been named Summit Hill’s “Citizen of the Year” by...
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