After being rescued from a condemned home in Summit Hill, these five cats are on the road to recovery at Carbon County Friends of Animals. Shelter manager Dana Dunbar provided an update on their conditions.
Dozens of icy adventurers jumped in the frigid waters of Mauch Chunk Lake for St. Joseph Regional Academy's 5th annual Polar Plunge on Saturday. Check out some of the daring divers as they brave the cold.
Carbon County Animal Shelter is looking for a home for a young pit bull who recently gave birth to puppies. Lilly faces a harder road to finding a permanent home than her puppies. CHRIS REBER/TIMES NEWS
Welcome to tnSportsChat presented by Lehigh Valley Health Network. This week, we bring you the first of three interviews with Dr. Gabe Lewullis, the chief of sports medicine at LVHN. We will be airing the next two interviews with Dr. Lewullis in February and March, respectively. tnSportsChat will return to its typical format next week. Patrick Matsinko/Times News
Lansford Borough Council appointed James Romankow to fill its vacant mayor's seat on Jan. 24. Bob Silver won both the Mayor's office and a council seat, and chose the latter. Eight candidates applied for the position. CHRIS REBER/TIMES NEWS
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